Side effects of high salinity

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Aquarium Advice Regular
May 7, 2011
Long Island
What r some side effects of high salinity?? .028 to be exact. I have a Duncan that's had some problems opening lately. And of coarse instead of checking the easiest thing... I've been checking everything else and driving myself crazy. I've never let my salinity get that high. Usually at .025 the highest. Going to do a water change now hopefully this problem gets resolved and in all honesty hoping that this was the problem!! Input anyone??
Other than to advise not changing the salinity more than a point or two at a time, I got nothing. that could be why your coral isnt do you test your salinity? Refractometer or a swing arm? You can get the most accurate reading from a refractrometer for about $30 off ebay. My swing arm was off at least 4-5 pts.
I use a swing arm. I just made 10gals and it's reading accurate. I must of made a mistake last time I did my water change. Sometimes it's annoying using a swine arm. I always have to make sure no bubbles are stuck to the arm otherwise it inaccurate
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