Sideways floating @ top Moor Goldfish

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Aquarium Advice Regular
Feb 24, 2011
So it's been over three weeks---now he is in hospital 10G tank with a filter. The water levels are perfect (got tested at Petsmart).

He refused food & Deshelled peas an today for first time he ate his fish food.

I started him on the API tetracycline powder. I'm on day 3 and did the 25% water change and am still just have filter on for aeration (took filter out as instructed by meds)

He is still floating at surface near the filter with his belly in the air---a white film has now appeared on his bloated belly (two days before I began meds) and I can also see red (inside of him)

Any suggestion....tomorrow is last day of meds and Sunday I am to do another 25% water change for a total of 4 doses.

Should I put carbon filter back in and just wait, should I try another aquarium salt bath (it's been two weeks since I gave him one)....

Also someone at pet store said for me to hold him right side up half way down tank and try to feed him and it worked. He took food right away from my hand!!
swimmers bladder feed lots greens

gently press abdomen to help him pass gas

sounds weird but works
Okay I'll try that :)

Feed him greens?? I tried the de-shelled peas but he spat right out...any other things I could try?

I did notice the white film across his belly is 70% gone (probably from the meds) but now I can see more of his red insides since the white film isn't covering it :-/

Today is his last day of meds & tomorrow I do a 25% water change---should I put carbon back in after water change to suck meds out since I am done with the doses?

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