Skimmer Questions

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Aquarium Advice Regular
Nov 14, 2006
Green Bay, WI
Just hooked up my Pro-Clear 75 sump w/venturi skimmer. Having a problem regulating the air intake to make it skim. Are these usually difficult to "tweek" in or do they require a break in period? It has been running for approx 2 weeks... Thanks
What kind of valve do you have on the air line going to the venturi? Some of the cheaper plastic valves don't have a fine enough adjustment to regulate the air correctly. I've never used a Pro Clear skimmer before, but my Red Sea Berlins that I used to use needed better valves than they came with to work right. Try a good quality needle valve. Even one of the better quality ball valves might work although I've never tried one on a skimmer.
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