Skittish Cichlids

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Aquarium Advice FINatic
Jul 15, 2003
Mesa, AZ
I've had my 55 gallon tank since early December. The cichlids I have in the tank are very skittish and hide any time you walk by. I originally attributed this to stress from their new environment but after six months, I would think they would be fine by now.

I think what is happening is my Brichardis are bullying the rest of the fish. They have not tried to breed as yet, but they have definitely paired off and keep all the other fish (except the synodontis catfish and plecos) confined to 1/3 of the total tank. They hang out just to the left of the middle of the tank and chase any fish that dares try to pass them by.

I have rearranged the tank three times, and have provided additional hiding spots for them all to try to make them feel more secure, to no avail. The Brichardis have not budged from their initial staked out territory (even though I have moved their hiding spots to other areas of the tank) and will not allow the other fish to swim around.

My husband and I are a little attached to the Brichardis (the whole 55 gallon tank was set up because they were too aggressive for our 29), but we certainly thought other cichlids would stand up to them. Even the male pseudotropheus polit hides from them and he was the fish I thought would become most aggressive. We either need to find a new home for the Brichardis or move them to their own tank. The problem is we don't want ANOTHER tank. I spend about 3 hours a week on tank maintenance as it is.

What I'm considering--find a new home for my platies (I'm not that attached to them) and move the Brichardis into my 12 gallon Eclipse. Its only 4" narrower than a 20 gallon tank and they don't really swim side to side all that much now (unless they're chasing another cichlid!).

Do you guys think the 12 gallon is big enough for a pair of Brichardis? Aside from possibly a small pleco (either my pitbull, or if he's too small to defend himself a frog-mouth), they would be the only fish in the tank.

Thoughts from those who have kept Brichardis would be most appreciated!
I bought two brichardi to keep with shellies in a 29 gal tank. That did not work--both got their own tanks! The brichardi are in a 20 gal and have bred. I have two juvie S petricola. The petricolas are confided to the sponge around the filter and only dash over to the heater on ocassion. I should really move my juvies or add more rocks to the tank, but with the fry, I don't want to stress everyone out!
Personally, I think the brichardi would benefit from a larger tank--especially when the fry start coming and coming and coming :wink:

Brichardi are from Lake Tang and it sounds like your other cichlids are Lake Malawi. Aside from the pilot, who else is in there?
The others are all Malawi except for the leleupi. Yeah, I know its a bad idea to mix them but hubby picked them out. They were all juvies when we put them in together so I hoped it would all work out, but the Brichardis have been aggressive since we got them and they were barely an inch long!

Truthfully, I expected the Malawis to be more aggressive than the Tanganyikan.

The leleupi is pretty mellow. He gets along fine with everyone else.
Hehe. Try saying "Skittish Cichlids" ten times fast. I can't even say it twice!
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