Small Algae Eaters?

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Aquarium Advice Activist
Apr 14, 2005
Indiana USA
I need to know what types of algae eaters stay small, and aren't aggressive towards other fish. I really need to update my profile where my tanks are concerned. I just got a pond going this past week, and my goldfish and 3 common plecos are going in there. I need to find some sort of algae eater for my tanks though. I still have several tanks going with freshwater fish, and 1 tank with 2 black moors. Three of the tanks are 10 gallon, 2 are 5 gallon, so whatever algae eaters I get, I'm wanting them to be comfortable in their new homes.

Here's a rundown of what's in the tanks...
10 gallon tank w/ male betta and 4 mollies
10 gallon tank w/ male betta and 2 platies
10 gallon tank w/ 2 black moors
5 gallon tank w/ male betta
5 gallon tank w/ female betta

I'm intending to get 2 to 3 female bettas for each male betta, and maybe a couple more platies down the line, but first, I want to figure out what I'm going to do for algae eaters, because a couple of the tanks that don't have them are getting pretty nasty. Once I put the plecos in the pond, I'll definately need to find something to keep the algae at bay. The plecos have been great at it, but they're growing, and the tanks are just too darn small for them to have the room they need to grow. When I go to get different algae eaters, I don't want to go through the same problem down the line.

Any suggestions?
How about Oto's, like the Zebra Oto.

26G Community:
1 Bala shark - 5", 1 Red Tail shark - 4", 1 Rainbow shark - 3 1/2", 1 Albino Rainbow shark - 3", 1 Golden Dojo Loach - 8", 1 Dojo loach - 4", 2 Fire Eels - 9" each, 4 Chinese Algae Eaters - 1" each, 1 Bolivian Ram - 1", 6 Glowlight rasboras - 1" each. 55G coming soon.
The Zebra Pleco only gets to about 4 inches.

26G Community:
1 Bala shark - 5", 1 Red Tail shark - 4", 1 Rainbow shark - 3 1/2", 1 Albino Rainbow shark - 3", 1 Golden Dojo Loach - 8", 1 Dojo loach - 4", 2 Fire Eels - 9" each, 4 Chinese Algae Eaters - 1" each, 1 Bolivian Ram - 1", 6 Glowlight rasboras - 1" each. 55G coming soon.
The Bristlenose Pleco gets to about 6 inches I believe.

26G Community:
1 Bala shark - 5", 1 Red Tail shark - 4", 1 Rainbow shark - 3 1/2", 1 Albino Rainbow shark - 3", 1 Golden Dojo Loach - 8", 1 Dojo loach - 4", 2 Fire Eels - 9" each, 4 Chinese Algae Eaters - 1" each, 1 Bolivian Ram - 1", 6 Glowlight rasboras - 1" each. 55G coming soon.
The Blue Seam Bushynose Pleco is just under 5 inches and is a beauty,

26G Community:
1 Bala shark - 5", 1 Red Tail shark - 4", 1 Rainbow shark - 3 1/2", 1 Albino Rainbow shark - 3", 1 Golden Dojo Loach - 8", 1 Dojo loach - 4", 2 Fire Eels - 9" each, 4 Chinese Algae Eaters - 1" each, 1 Bolivian Ram - 1", 6 Glowlight rasboras - 1" each. 55G coming soon.
Here's another one, gets to about 4 inches......

Panaque maccus
Ringlet Pleco, Clown Pleco

26G Community:
1 Bala shark - 5", 1 Red Tail shark - 4", 1 Rainbow shark - 3 1/2", 1 Albino Rainbow shark - 3", 1 Golden Dojo Loach - 8", 1 Dojo loach - 4", 2 Fire Eels - 9" each, 4 Chinese Algae Eaters - 1" each, 1 Bolivian Ram - 1", 6 Glowlight rasboras - 1" each. 55G coming soon.
Ghost shrimp. Cheap as feeders, do a *great* job of cleaning.
Hillstream loaches dont exactly eat algae. They will pick at it but theyre mouth isnt really for eating algae. THe only reason they are able to hang on to things is because they originate from cold fast moving streams and have developed a two part sucker like body that they cling to rocks and wait until they find some food.
Theyre more of a carnivore ( eating bloodworms,worms, etc. ) than eating your algae.

Youd be better off getting some ottos for your smaller tanks. THey do a great job and the other fish barely know that they are there.

People have said they will really only thrive in a heavily planted tank, in some cases thats true but mine is living with only a small sword plant and a big clump of java fern leftover from my old planted tank.

Just make sure if they start to run out of algae to feed them algae tablets, they sure do need a lot to eat.

A lot also depends on what type of algae it is. Is it regular run of the mill green algae or something like hair algae? FOr the most part most allgae eaters won't touch it. If it is hair algae then try a small siamese flying fox, eventually will get too big to keep with your other fish but it'll take a while to get that big (6-7 inches ) and in that time itll decimate the algae problem

Good one there, hillstream loaches are cool looking. There's also the Spiney-Headed Hillstream Loach and the Spotted Hillstream Loach. Also the Chinese Butterfly Loach and the Chinese Zebra Loach. Just a small list here. :)

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