Snail ID...

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Aquarium Advice Addict
May 16, 2002
Cedar Key, FL
First off, I know it is a snail.... :roll: , I'm wondering what kind of snail, since Guy said there may have been some Stomatella on the LR, maybe.... I wasn't able to get a decent shot of it's shell, but I'll include the best one... The snail was approx. 1 cm in length.





Hmmm... It has a lot of features of three types of snails that I'm aware of; Stomatella, Limpets, and Abalone.

Without a good pic of the shell it's difficult. When I get home I'll try magnifying the pic.

How large is this critter?
I think I've narrowed it down to a Stomatella varians.

Next time you see it disturb it somehow. If it crawls away at turbo speed then I'm right. If it just changes direction and keeps plodding along then I don't know what it is (yet).
Well, he was out again (actually I think this is a different one...) as soon as the camera flashed, he started to speed up, although it didn't take but a couple of seconds for it to slow down again.... Including a couple more pics, still none of the shell, he was too darn close to the side, couldn't get the angle.... This snail is approx 3/4 cm in length.
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