Snail Infestation - Loach Solution?

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Aquarium Advice Newbie
Mar 16, 2012
Glad to have found this community. I am seeking some advice. I have a large 120 gallon tank. I purchased some fish from my local aquarium fish dealer and some snails got mixed in. I didn't think much of it until .....




... well ... now I have a serious infestation. :hide: They are everywhere as you can see from the photos. I don't think they are a problem but ... well ... are they? I don't have live plants or anything but they are definitely uprooting the fake ones. Every time I look in the tank I hear the theme to Nausicaä of the Valley of the Wind in my head ... :whistle:

... the guy at the fish store recommended a horse faced loach but he didn't have any in stock. I also don't have sand substrate. I read online that these kinds of loaches don't eat snails so I'm not sure why he'd recommend them. I have heard assassin snails are good. I have a couple in my 40 gallon tank that I could move over but they are pretty small.

I could really use some advice. :banghead:

Thank you so much.

Your assassin snails are best bet and since you have it already you might as well make use of them ..even if they are small, they have a big appertite, in my tank Ive seen 3 baby assassin snails take down an adult ramshorn. So they do the business in my opinion. Had a pond snail problem when I just started , assassin snails sorted that problem out after a few months it was pond snail free.
The assassin snails are probably the best solution. If you decide to try loaches, YoYo's or Clowns but the Clown loaches get big.. Maybe get a few more assassins!
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