snail problem

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Aquarium Advice Freak
Aug 18, 2004
well my snails just had babies...i have like 5-7 little babies all over my tank and i need to kill um off. I dont really like how the snails look either. How wold i go about doing this? If there are other threads on this then please dirrect me there!! TIA!!!
Have you tried putting lettuce in your tank overnight? If you have a major problem, all you have to do is put a couple of pieces and I guarantee that they will be covered with snails by morning.

It's very easy clean up and if you have tons, I would repeat the process and eventually they will all be gone.
this may sound stupid but what am i supposed to do with the lettuce lol? just throw it aaway and the snails will die?
I have put lettuce on a vegie clip close to the bottom and a couple of pieces of lettuce just floating on top.

As for what you do afterwards, it's up to you. I personally would through them out.
What a end in a garbage disposal...being all ground up alive... :twisted:
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