Snails for a plant tank?

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Aquarium Advice Addict
Oct 15, 2006
Nashville TN
well I have allways hated snails... but when I got some for my SW tank I realized how much more clean the tank is! so I was wondering if their was a type of snail for a planted tank???
Thanks :)
Pond snails, some ramshorn snails and the obvious through the shrimptank link in my sig. ;)
Malaysian Trumpet Snails: Melanoides tuberculata
Rams Horn Snail: Planorbis corneus
are both great in a planted tank :D
Mystery Snails are plant safe... Well the ones I have are atleast. Also, population control is easiest with Mystery snails because they lay their eggs above the water line, which makes them easy to remove.
When buying Mystery Snails its best to try and find a hobbyist that is breeding them.

Some species are labeled mystery snails in the stores and they will eat your plants. You need to find Brigs aka Pomacea bridgessii. Some stores put Canas in tanks and call them Mystery snails and they will eat your plants.

They are truley the easiest to control population wise.
They'll eat dead plant matter and any food that has hit the bottom plus algae.
Surprised no one has mentioned Nerites... The are probably the most notorious (although sometimes hard to find) algae eating snails... They cannot reproduce in FW (though they do lay eggs)... I love mine. They are algae eating machines.
Olive Nerites are reasonably easy to find. Nerite Limpets would be my vote for the coolest algae eating snail. As dapellegrini mentioned, Nerites do not breed in freshwater. That alone makes them the best choice IMO.




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