So my tapwater has ammonia

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Mixer said:
Well I would consider that however I don't know anyone that has a tank. So can't really do that.

See if you can find someone local to you on here in the regional forums. It's a long shot but worth a try ...

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I will do that thanks. So the more I think about this the more I am confused (stupid brain), So I understand that my water has chloramine which dorks up the ammonia test, I have finally started seeing nitrites so I will assume my cycle is working.

So here is the stupid question, if the chloramine dorks up the ammonia test and my water has enough to register 1.0 for ammonia, even when the cycle is complete and working perfectly, wont my water always show high ammonia even though it is the chloramine?

Does the chloramine go away at some point after it is in the tank for a while? If not how will I ever get an accurate ammonia reading?

Or should I just know that ammonia 1.0 is a baseline, and if I show 2.0 that it is really 1.0 of actual ammonia.

UGH my head hurts.
Maybe someone can confirm this but... AFAIK it is broken down into ammonium and that is giving you the false reading. Also AFAIK the same bacteria that converts ammonia into nitrite will also convert the ammonium into nitite. If I'm right then the only reason you can see the false positive is that your bacteria colony is not large enough to convert the tank waste AND the ammonium at the moment. In time you should see a 0 result.

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Ahh ok that makes sense then. Ok I will try and be patient. Thank you very much.
Mixer said:
Ahh ok that makes sense then. Ok I will try and be patient. Thank you very much.

I think we still need an expert to confirm my suspicions I'm not an expert by a long chalk :)

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Well I think that is what Floyd was trying to tell me but it wasn't sinking in.
Awesome, thanks Floyd, I read that, but to be honest I will have to read it a couple of times.
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