solar power

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Aquarium Advice Apprentice
Jan 12, 2004
can i have a large pond and completely solar power the filter? cos i know there not too powerful?
What size pond? I have worked with solar power pumps extensively, but you really need to look into expense. Why is it that you would like to do solar powered pumps? And are you new to ponding?
yea a big pond is what i will eventually want, but it has to filter the water not just pump a fountain! initial expence is fine i will save up, its just my dads not gonnu be happy paying an increased phone bill!
Sorry I can't help with pumps, but I have several solar powered lights around my pond. They work great, and shine most of the night.
You NEED a pump to power a filter. That is just the way it works. And in order to get the amount of power to circulate a pond of 3000 gallons per hour, you will need more than just a store-bought solar cell. Pumps now are more energy efficient than ever, and by the time you finally figure out how to wire up $1500 solar cells, it would be cheaper to just pay the monthly electric bill.
Sultana lives in the UK. they have to pay for every minute of every phone call (no such thing as a local call, like in the US), including time on the net. At least I think that's how it works.

Sultana: another UK factor, do you really have enough good sun to run a pump? Every time I go there its the land of clouds, rain, and fog. Then again, I don't know jack about solar cells or whatever.
thanks ...oh i meant electric bill :roll: , thanks for that .
solar power is great cos it nice thinking its free and the sun doing the work rather than putting more CO2 up there! :mrgreen:
it would be alot cheaper to just buy/find some baby oaks and plant them and make a new forest 8P i think 8O
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