Sombody took a bite out of the Tusk

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Aquarium Advice Addict
Apr 19, 2003
Beacon, New York
Here are before and after pics. I took one on Friday and the other two on Sat. I think that the Tang is bullying the Tusk around, and finally took a bite out of him. Is there anything that i can do for him?
Watch for any redness or swelling that might indicate bacterial infection, feed healthy foods and let the fishes immune system handle the rest. In a healthy environment, that should heal up just fine with no intervention on your part. You might consider doing something to curb your tangs aggression, try moving some decorations around (it doesn't really work all that often, but it does sometimes and is easy), or removing the fish to another aquarium for a week or so, then put it back in.
If you do end up doing something for the tuskfish, melafix works nicely on
things like this.
I left him alone for a day and the spot is almost completely gone. I can barely see it. I added about 25lbs of Soutdown tonight, and i re-aranged the rocks in the tank hoping to break up territories and make new hiding places, but the Tang is still chasing him around a little.

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