Some bettas dead, others with swollen lips, what's goin on?

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Aquarium Advice Addict
May 10, 2005
I went into my room to see my 20 gal fish tank that has one male betta swimming around with half a pale body and it looks like something grabbed the whole top of it's body and just lightly ripped the flesh (I do not have any fish in that tank that could do that) or he got stuck to something circular and the outer rim is being pulled out slightly (nothing like this either) and has raised scales only on the top of his body and another male that was in a livebearer breeding cage (I have a couple others like this so that they can still be warm but not have to worry about fights) that's got hazed over eyes that looks kinda like a fungus hit that's all over it's eyes and toward it's gills and is really pale, two of my female bettas have a square looking bottom lip and are just being...blah... and everyone else is perfectly fine it's just 4 of my bettas @__@ Anyone got any advice ASAP if it's a fungus or something that can be fixed

UPDATE!: the two males that were sick are dead, another one of my male bettas has lips that are rectangular too like they're swelling up (it kind of looks like a duck)....What the heck is going onnnnn T____T I'm so lost...
oh Puriti - I'm so sorry for your losses and whatever is going on . Wish I could help but the only thing I can do right now is offer lots of sympathy and moral support.

When was the last PWC ? Have you added anything to the tank ? How are the parameters ?
I lost all the bettas that had it and I have one showing signs of it now too T__T it's only happening to my bettas.... all I have is fungal clear which I'm doing now... last PWC was a few days ago and I did a 50% water change...and I have a crap load of bettas in that tank T___T I took all of them out yesterday and now one's got it and not the rest but I'm fungal clearing them too @__@
Yeah, definitley sounds like columnaris. Have you added and new fish/plants recently? The fungal med may help for now, but I'd definitley try and get an antibiotic before you add anything else to the tank.

Sorry to hear about the bettas. :(
The last fish I added was about...two weeks ago but it was a molly and it doesn't have it and it's only affecting my bettas...and part of the problem was that I had like 5 female bettas in the tank with one male, and then like 3 males in breeding cages so that they don't freeze and don't kill each other... and only certain ones caught it @___@ T___T I lost 6 fish already and one's in quarentine with it...I got Maracyn and Maracyn II and using Maracyn for the guy who has it and for the ones that might have it T__T
Oh Puriti, my heart goes out to you. I know how much you loved the girls (and the guys). Good luck with the others - I'll keep my fingers crossed for you.
@___@ I had another random female betta death, and my last male that's got symptoms is looking so nasty as the flesh is tearing away from healing... and to top it off, my poor goldfish's eye and pectoral fin were ripped out by my senegal birchir because I had to kick him out to treat my bettas >.<
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