Some pictures and questions

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Aquarium Advice Activist
Nov 19, 2002
Ottawa, Ontario, Canada
After 1 year I have finally gottent the coraline effect that I was looking for. The back and the sides of my tank are now covered top to bottom in red coraline. You can only see bits of glass or light coming through. It's like this completely closed in hunk of ocean now. Things are now starting to grow off the walls. It truly is a living aquarium now. I have included pictures of the 2 new macroalgaes that I have put in my tank, and both have taken off. I know one name of them is herringbone, but the other I don't know, can someone name it for me.


  • marine_tank_1.jpg
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  • herringbone.jpg
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  • mystery_algae.jpg
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Both your algaes I've seen listed as types of Caluerpa. The one is the sand though, I've seen listed as feather caluerpa.
Your coraline is indeed a wonderful color. Do you have any algae eaters in your tank? I would suggest you stay away from grape calurpa. I had a plauge of that stuff in my 20. I would tear handfuls of the stuff out weekly.
Had that problem already, now I just let a few stay around the filter heads, but I keep it in check. When I first started out a few years back, I had some and thought it looked need on my live rock, boy was I wrong, it spread like wildfire and soon everything was covered. Thank god for 20 emeral crabs in a 26 gallon tank. lol.
I would suggest you stay away from grape calurpa. I had a plauge of that stuff in my 20. I would tear handfuls of the stuff out weekly.
Not trying to threadjack, but is there a similar problem with feather calurpa? Can it go sexual like the grape? Was thinking of adding some to my tank.
Looks nice something_fishy! What kind of lights are you using?
Just double strip flourescent, one sunglow, one marineglow, thats all.
As for the feather calurpa, all algae, whether macro or not, have the potential to go bad on you and take over, just keep it in check. I already have had to remove some of the feather one, but it is nice, and it sways back and forth very nicely, one of the nicest macros I've seen yet. The clows love swimming through it, it almost looks like they are playing hide and seek in it with each other. It grows with small grabby vines that will stick to rock and sand, but it grows in a line, so you can see where it is going and train it to go where you want.
Just curious... why do people let the glass gunk up with coraline? Is it beneficial, or just preference as to looks? Never done it myself, just my opinion nice clean glass sides looks better. Am I missing out on some aspects of SW?

Just preferance, same as some people like to put those tacky backgrounds on it. I find a clear tank and clean glass looks too tidy and perfect. The coraline on the back and sides boxes in the tank and makes it look more natural, not to mention that it is beneficial to have all that coraline growing, all the stuff that grows on it is very good. Also it comes down to self preference too.
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