Something better than cabomba

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Aquarium Advice Activist
May 6, 2011
Anderson, IN
I have a 29 gallon community tank, cichlids, peacock eel, and a pleco, with some cabomba (sp?) planted in it. The tank has gravel substrate but the plant just isn't doing as well as I would like, and is constantly clogging my filter, can anyone else recommend something better? I am going to assume my lighting is low, it is a 40 bulb LED. Also I heard sometimes its beneficial to remove the clear plastic between the light and the water is there any truth to that?
A couple of reasons
1. pleco is munching at night. Try feeding with zucchini.
2. A lot of cichlids like a munch. Try adding lettuce
Cobomba does not need to be planted in substrate to grow. Just light and nutrients
yeah there's a lot of cichlids that will tear the plants all up, so do large pleco species.

Removing the plastic between the lights and the water might help give you a little more light intensity but also you have to consider if the light fixture is sealed off to prevent condensation/humidity related issues in its internals.
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