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Aquarium Advice Freak
Jan 29, 2005
I (no offense) feel like im slowly getting tired and bored of the hobby, maybe cause I don't have much time (in college).

I'm thinking of setting up a new 10 or 20. Limited space...yeah. I'm currently trying to brainstorm something that ISN'T boring to put in there...maybe some inverts + fsh? I dunno. What do you all say?
To anyone that has a new tank and looking into stocking, I always suggest some time of a school fish. They are always entertaining to watch school around ect.

I school of 7 small tetras or something would look nice in a 20G, then maybe a few dwarf gouramis, and maybe some bottom feeders like cories or loaches.
If you're getting bored, you've just got to find something new and different to try out.

How about poison dart frogs?
you could also vary up the type of tank your doing. Try changing the layout of the tank or shape it more artistically or a biotope of somekind. You could also do some research in some fish indexs online to find some different style of fish and have your fish store order it for you. I know what you mean by limited space im working in a dorm room as well but there are a lot of possibilities in my opinion with a smaller tank if you get creative. Try breeding too. You could try a salamander/turtle/frog of some kind?
Intrest could shift into a planted tank.. its simple to take care of.. and add a few fish in to give it the nitrates it requires... simple =P
good idea^^^
Im experimenting with plants for the first time right now and its fun!
Shelldwelling cichlids are awesome and fun to watch. I have a colony of Neolamprologus multifasciatus and they breed and have a couple generations in my tank. They are very friendly as well and their shell dwelling behavior is interesting to watch.
Thanks for the reply guys, I was worried about getting flamed on here. The tanks at home are planted although with low-maintenence low-light plants. I feel like the lfs here sell plants that aren't meant for aquatic environments. I have a bunch of tanks at home and had a variety of fish...but they just seem really boring and the tank, uncaptivating. Hence my push for something really different and really interesting, aside from your generic platy, neons, gouramis, etc (although I've had more "exotic" fish like bichirs). Which is why I thought crustaceans/ inverts might be kinda cool.

I'm not a fan of amphibians, i.e., PDFs, lol. Piranhas are too big for a 20 no? I may start breeding, any ideas?

Thanks again.
Breeding is fun and also rewarding if you can sucessfully raise and sell them. I would stay away from livebearers, just because once they start breeding they don't stop, plus they aren't very exciting. Shrimp and convicts are the same way, they breed a lot and are easy to breed.

If you want something fun and somewhat challenging to breed, I don't know if a 20G will cut it. GBRs are pretty fun to breed and aren't SUPER common. You could also breed fish they may seem common, but aren't commonly bred. Can't think of any off the top of my head and don't have time to research right now, but maybe that gave you an idea.
ever thought of going to the salt world? its not half as bad as everyone says it is.. a 10/20 gallon nano tank is extreamly pretty. and a very nice desk piece.
Isn't salt water expensive to start up?

Also, wouldn't I be restricted to a species only tank for the crayfish?
I know how you feel, I wouldn't mind something new, so like you I started breeding, done swordtails and just hatched some zebra danios, which was pretty cool, plus they are a schooling fish so they will all look awesome in my 55gal, next will be some chiclids
you cant house any small fish with crayfish because they will catch the fish and eat em when they are sleeping. they also dig and uproot the plants if you have gravel they can lift
fun to watch them scavange around the bottom, but you are right that it should be a species only tank...unless you throw in some feeders and watch the feeders mysteriously disappear
i had 5 comet feeders all disappear mysteriously in 2 weeks
i do not know the name of the species. it was the one they had at petland discount (kinda like petsmart only smaller)
one of the employee had the same kind and he told me that his is as big as a dollar bill. they eat their molt and get bigger as they molt
i returned mine a long time ago because i wanted neon tetras, but when i had him, it was fun watching him and maybe i will get another one in the future when i get another tank
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