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Aquarium Advice Addict
Jul 12, 2004
Northern VA
Well, I think my tank is safe to add new fish now. It has been over three weeks since that weird disease hit and everyone is perfectly healthy. So, I've been visiting the fish store and aside from the pictus cats which I absolutly adore, but know they will get too big for me tank (55 gallon), I can't find another type of fish I'd like to add. I want a fish that is different than the usual, but will behave nicely in my planted 55 gallon tank. Got any ideas? The list of fish I have is in my signature. Thanks!!!
Have you considered Black Skirts? They are very hardy and quite active in the tank. The good news is, they like plants but will not eat them! Of course, I'm providing this suggestion with absolutely no bias toward them. :wink:
I had some black skirts once, they are neat but I'm not really looking for tetras, I'd like something unusual and not easy to find. My LFS is making an order on monday so I'm trying to do some quick research between now and then.
What about a couple of Keyhole Cichlids? They are not very common in these parts. They should behave in your tank...and your tank should be suitable for them.
A pair of adult discus would always be my first choice.
BrianNY, my friend at the LFS has been pestering me to try a Discus, he even said he'd loan me his empty 20 and 29 gallon tanks! But I know he just wants to clean up his hallway (like I have room either! :roll: ) Discus are awesome, but I want a fish that I can leave in the hands of my significant other while I'm travelling :D

SerLunchbox, I've been toying with those in my head, but haven't done much research on them. Are they pretty peaceful? Got any good websites where I can read up on them and see if any specific one will fit my tank? Thanks!
rubysoho: peaceful ... not so much ... ask toirtis about them. I personally love the look of the fish as they are prehistoric fish in all honesty

When i asked Toirtis about a senegal bicher tank needs, he told me a minimum of 40 gallons for one.

there is a link to info on it ....
keep it with fish that won't fit into its mouth.
Good call on the keyhole cichlids! Graet fish! :p

No, something uncommon.......Malaysian halfbeaks? Those little fish that swim and the top of the tank all the time and have their lower 'jaw' stretched out?
I would suggest an African fan shrimp - a peaceful, albeit large filter-feeder.
I've never seen them at a LFS, but I was reading about a pike livebearer in an aquarium book. Looked real interesting, I'd love to have a tank for a couple.
DanW0007 said:
I've never seen them at a LFS, but I was reading about a pike livebearer in an aquarium book. Looked real interesting, I'd love to have a tank for a couple.

They show up on aquabid from time to time...not cheap, though...about $10-$15 each.
I know you said no tetras, but my green fire tetras are really interesting to me because they are colorful, they love planted tanks, and they are pretty unusual around these parts. Mine hang out with my rummies.

Unfortunately the pic doesn't do them justice.
Congo tetras are not your typical tetras and they look great in a planted tank IMO. I also like blue or gold rams.
I personally think male odessa barbs are absolutely gorgeous

They don't look it in the stores because they aren't happy (so their color is pale), but once you bring them home and they get adjusted they turn this magnificiant red color with hints of blue and yellow
oh, so so pretty
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