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Aquarium Advice Freak
Oct 24, 2005
British columbia Canada
I just tested my PH and its up to 7.6 none of the fish i was planning on will be ok in that! I may have to totally redo my stocking list.

I was planning on zebra danio, cherry barbs, panda corys, dwarf gourami. But that will have to change. I dont know what to do, I dont think that drift wood wood lower the ph enough. I dont like this ph it used to be 7!!! Its too high for the fish i wanted and too low for any cichlids and even if it was high enoguh for them my tank wouldnt be big enough. Any suggestions on fish for this ph.
That ph will be ok. A stable ph is better than one you try to keep down. Driftwood worked just fine for me, keeps mine down to 7.0-7.2. If you like the look of driftwood, give it a try. That will be a more natural way of keeping the ph down. But again, that ph isn't too high, nothing to worry about.
Well on all the sites I was looking at, most of the fish i want have a range of about 6.0- 7.0. The only fish that is even close is the dwarf gourami. (6.0-7.5)
Also, the ph in the tanks at your lfs is probably the same as your tank, maybe even higher, and the fish there are just fine. I don't think the majority of lfs's do anything to adjust ph for certain fish.
I think you will be OK, my normal pH is 7.8 and I have 7 happy zebra danios, and some very happy cories.
Might want to watch for this too. Have you read part of my fishless cycle thread towards the end? When my nitrites peaked and then came down, my ph dropped to below 6.0. I did water changes to get it back up to above 7.0. Did this for 3 days, then after a large PWC, finally stabalized. When I finally got 0 ammonia and 0 nitrite, and did my PWC to get nitrates down, the ph stabalized, and my driftwood helps keep it around 7.2 even after PWC's. So something for you to watch for in the last part of the cycle. Cycling is acidic by nature, which means it tends to lower the ph. Once your tank cycles, and you add your fish, your ph should remain stable and not crash. Just something to watch for in the last few days. Don't do anything with your ph til it's time to add fish, then decide if you want to add driftwood or just leave things as they are. A stable ph is best.
I agree, your fish will be fine. I have Panda cories in 7.6 and they are happy as can be. The pH is not important unless it is drastically high or very low. This is granted that it is stable and does not fluctuate. Whatever you do, do not add pH down or other chemicals. It is fine where it is
as long as the pH is stable you dont have to worry. My pH is usually around 7.6 and I have panda cories that have lived for almost a year, pleco's, loaches, you name it. I did however decide to do African cichlids in my 55 gallon now becuase my water is so suited to them and they are such beautiful fish. What size is your tank?

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