Sore on oranda goldfish

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Aquarium Advice Apprentice
Oct 31, 2013
Hey guys. I have a oranda goldfish seems to have a sore on the side of its body. He is swimming fine appetite is fine. I tested my water with a water test kit and every was great. I just tried using melafix. Should this be enough? Thanks ImageUploadedByAquarium Advice1392608338.453191.jpgImageUploadedByAquarium Advice1392608366.192081.jpg
What do you think happened to the little guy? Got stuck in a decoration? You might want to investigate and remove from the tank anything that is sharp.

I have been told that maintaining pristine water is essential to healing. It might be all that is needed for your fish, but I'm certainly no expert.
I'm not to sure? I think he may have had a little sore there when I first got him which has obviously gotten bigger. Don't have any sharp objects in the tank.
How is he doing? Has the sore improved at all or is it the same or getting larger? Please let us know and we can offer some further suggestions. :)
It may be getting slightly better. I've treated for maybe 4-5 days now using melafix. If this fails what can I try?

If it isn't any worse after 5 days, then chances are it is healing.
Looks like he may have lost or loosened a scale and has a slight bacterial infection. It is possible to remove a scale to aid healing, but I wouldn't recommend you try unless you or someone else has knowledge of how to do it.
My white cloud minow has a sore just like this and using Melafix seems to be helping but it is very small otherwise. I did notice that one of my other cloud minows was picking on it abit as it was newest memeber to school. So make sure your Oranda isnt being bullied or nipped by any other fish in tank. I was suprised as new member is a girl and the bully in my school was a girl too!? But seems to have stopped now and no longer being bullied.
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