Special Grade Reef Sand

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Aquarium Advice Activist
Oct 6, 2008
Hills of Northern KY
Has anyone tried the Seaflor Special Grade Reef Sand that Fosters & Smith carries? And did it stay out of the water column better than the Oolite for you? Was it really far from the pretty light color of the Oolite? I have found the Oolite is dissappearing from my refugium as well as the DSB because so much is in the water and being filtered out.

Do you know of anyone else besides F&S that carries it?

Thanks for any info.
I used/use that sand. It's not sugar fine at all, so it won't blow around like the oolite. And yeah... it starts out pretty white. But that goes away quick enough!
Thanks for answering, Kurt. Do you think it works in the DSB as well/better than the OOLITE? And does your Goby like it? I will need to add it the the refugium also...this past batch of OOLITE seems to have been mostly powder.
Supposedly oolite is better in dsb applications because of the smaller grain sizes allowing fauna to easily maneuver within the layers, but I have yet to see a problem using larger sized sand particles. As for gobies it makes no difference unless you have a sand-sifting specie where larger particles could possibly become a danger to them.
Yup... what Innovator said.

I have a "quasi-DSB" (in that nasty no-man's land of 4"+) and I have no issues. And my yellow clown goby isn't a sand sifter, so he could care less. But if I had a sand sifter, I'm pretty sure it wouldn't like it.
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