Spiders in your tank?? What the hell??

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Aquarium Advice Newbie
Jun 5, 2005
Baltimore, Maryland
ok, so i came home from work today and went to feed my betta and there are a bout 50-10 spiders hanging out in the plants that sit just above water in my tank. Where did they come from, how did they get there? hitchhiked on a plant is my guess, but how would they survive being planted? needless to say, they will all be dead after today, i just want to know what the hell happend??
They likely came in from outdoors (the average suburban residential block has a population of about 50,000 spiders during spring/summer)and are hanging out above your tank because water attracts bugs (which they eat), and beacuse even spiders need water. Really, why kill them? They will help rid your home of pests, and even if you decide that you do not want them indoors, transport them outdoors where they can help rid you of annoying houseflies and porential disease carriers like mosquitos (pity if you contracted West Nile then thought about the spiders you killed a few weeks earlier).
spiders are creepy. i mean if i had 50-100 of em, and they were for sure gunna stay in the tank, thats ok. im afraid spiders will venture out and go god knows where
i have arachnaphobie, if i saw even ONE spider, i wouldn't touch my tank until i saw it dead, i don't care how tiny it was.. lol. When i used to live in a house under a bunch of oak tree's we got these HUGE brown Wolf spiders in our house and if i saw one, i wouldn't go in the room until my husband had killed it and shown me the dead spider, thats how scared i am of them. I shudder at the thought of 50 spiders in my tank, even if they are babies. However, they don't bother me outdoors, and i know they are really good and important. so i would probably have someone esle take them outside... lol. Just don't want them in my house.
Real big wolf and banana spiders give me the chills. If I were you I would get them outside unless you want a spider infested house.
well, i scooped them little mofos out of the tank and stuck em outside. on second look, they may have been some small water bugs or who knows what. I can't imagine that that many spiders ventured in from outside and found thier way into my tank all at once. also, i havent sptted any outside of the tank, but anyways, the large majority of em are outside, and stragglers will be dealt with later as i spot em...
may have been a spider egg that hatched or something... shiver
I am absolutely terrified of spiders. Can't stand them, can't tolerate them, can't even kill them. They make my skin crawl! Yuck yuck yuck.
krap101 said:
i smash em with my bare hands :).

If its small enough, i smush em with my fingers, if they are super large i take them outside because if they have lived that long, why kill em now? Its those medium sized ones I whap with a shoe =o)
This thread is too funny :lol:

Just yesterday I noticed a tiny spider made a web between my piano and my aquarium. I let the little bugger sit there, it gives charm to my room :lol:
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