Sponge Bob, Square Bacteria?

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Bacteria is one of the most adaptive forms of life in nature. It will adapt to all sorts of environmental changes. Such as temperature, pressure and moisture. Any knowledgeable person with a basic bachelors degree in science knows about the existence of square bacteria. But did you know...that deep in the frozen waters of Lake Vostok bacteria in cryogenic suspension of over one billion years have been found. The form of the bacteria can only be described as shoe shaped. Perhaps this is where cycling a fresh water tank with an old tennis shoe began.
I don't see how you made that correlation Flipper....unless your kidding...
I'm suprised this thread wasn't removed - the real world of the unlikely and bizarre is historically treated as folklore here.....
everyones raggin on pyackel just chill, a lot of you people are acting to superior.
Bottom line:
Don't use your knowledge against someone, help them out, its what this site is for eh?
sorry if this sounds a little over the top or harsh or anything, i dont mean to be, I hope it dosn't get me a bad reputation here since I still want to have good advice. Its just it seems that some people here dont seem that open or willing to give certian things a chance, even somthing sounds far out.
Hey Nate, perhaps you should read the entirety of this thread before you pop off, hmmm. Oh, btw, this thread is now locked.
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