Spotted Climbing Perch

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Aquarium Advice Apprentice
Jul 4, 2011
I have never seen this before

spotted them in my LFS on Saturday while out getting ideas for stocking my 48" (56Imperial Gal) tank...they were about 1" long and very pretty to look at and watch for a while, the shop assistant said they grow to about 6" and are very peaceful and get on ok with other fish but not small ones (ie Neons)

anyone here know about them please?
they are superb looking fish
I've got two of them. And I know a couple other posters have them as well.

They are very personable if comfortable (lots of plants/hiding places are best, and not a lot of fast, highly active fish). I've got one that takes NLS food but the other refuses to eat anything other than live food/diced seafood or at best, freeze dried mysis shrimp.

Pretty slow growers, 4.5-6" are common sizes. As far as I know they've only spawned once in captivity at a zoo or something, so the specimens you see will be wild caught. Mine live in PH 7.8 water of moderate hardness with no problems.

I keep my two with 3 brown hoplo cats and 2 Guenther's mouthbrooders which are all a lot bigger than them but there've never been any fights. Everyone minds their own business. I wouldn't keep them with small stuff though, as they have impressively sized mouths.

My LFS keeps two of them with Congo tetras, some pretty big cichlids and a few random catfish. They're good tankmates for things that can't be eaten and aren't hyper-agressive or nippy.
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