Stalled Cycle

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Aquarium Advice Activist
Mar 28, 2017
Piedmont SC
I'm almost a month in on a fishless cycle for my 65gal tank and I'm stalled big time. I've looked on many articles and threads trying to figure out what to do. I'm just unsure where to go from here. My nitrites are off the chart. I've done multiple PWCs and the last time it was a full change. Still off the charts. I'm just stuck and afraid to screw it up and make it worse. Any suggestions?
I'm hoping to do another 90% water change today and then dose the aquarium with ammonia and just wait I guess.
Is the ammonia level dropping to near zero? I would only dose more in that case.
The conversion from nitrite to nitrate is, unfortunately, a longer process than the conversion of ammonia.
Are you reading any nitrate levels yet?
My ammonia levels are dropping in less than 24 hours to 0ppm. I think I have just simply overdosed my ammonia for too long. I do have nitrates showing up and the levels are high so the nitrites are processing. I have not dosed my aquarium with ammonia in a week and I have done multiple water changes to attempt to bring the nitrite level down to something I can read. However I have been unsuccessful. This morning I dosed the ammonia to approximately one ppm and figured that I would just wait. Do you think it would be beneficial to do another water change? And how often should I does the ammonia so that I don't continue to drive the nitrite levels too high?
Just curious what are parameters
What are your ammonia, nitrites & nitrates levels at the moment
Prior to dosing ammonia to 1ppm this morning they were:

Ammonia: 0ppm
Nitrites: ~20+ ppm (tried 4:1 dilution but still can't read)
Nitrates: 40-80ppm after water changes

I've been having major issues keeping my pH up. The pH of my tap water is 6.8. It's crashed once or twice to 6.0. I've had to dose the tank with pH up once or twice in an effort to raise it up prior to just doing water changes. If there is a better way to stabilize the pH, I'm all ears. This is all new to me :)
I would just say this I have several tanks from 125g to 20g I would just let the tank do its thing stop the w/c and let nature run its course. I had a tank that took me 4 months for it to cycle so I know that frustration you may be experiencing. Just out of curiosity is the ammonia your dosing 100% ammonia with NO additives if you want to speed up cycle if you someone who has an established tank you can get some of his/her bacteria and dose your tank with it.
Yes. I was very careful to get straight ammonia with no additive or surfactants.
I'm good with being patient. I just wanted to make sure it was all still ok and running normal so I didn't find out in two months that it was stalled or I was doing something wrong and could have had everything up and running sooner lol.
My readings today after work....

pH: 6.4
Ammonia: 0.25 ppm
Nitrites: Really high (lol...too high for kit)
Nitrates: 40 ppm

Now, a question about pH. What is optimal and how the heck do I get it there? My pH keeps crashing and I hate to spend so much on chemicals. My tank is 65gal so i end up using a whole bottle of pH up in a week just to maintain 6.8.
I won't worry about the ph at the moment it wouldn't effect the cycle
All my tanks I don't really worry about ph
Fish adjust to ph very well as long it's not a spike
Question: are you using a test kit , if so what kind???
I have two large tree root decorations and 1 small rock decoration and a few fake plants. I also have about 4" gravel. I put a post up in the planted tank forum because I've been curious about live plants. Should I remove decorations?
I have two large tree root decorations and 1 small rock decoration and a few fake plants. I also have about 4" gravel. I put a post up in the planted tank forum because I've been curious about live plants. Should I remove decorations?

Can you please post your test results also

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