Starfish exposed to air

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Aquarium Advice Activist
Mar 24, 2003
New Lenox, IL
Hi all,
I'm going to move my starfish to my friend's tank and was wondering if he can be exposed to air. He was exposed to air when I first got him (going from the bag to net to tank), but since then I've been reading they shouldn't be exposed at all. I was stupid and didn't realize how big he would get and now I just think it's cruel to keep him in my small tank. :oops:
What's the best way to get him out of there? He lives under a 15 lb. LR. Should I take the rock out and net him or what? I don't want to totally disturb everyone else as they get pretty worked up when anything other than water (i.e. my hand) goes in to the tank.
What kinds of seastar is it? Serpent stars can tolerate the time from tank to bag well enough, I understand that linckia's should not be exposed to air. To be on the safe side, I would catch it by hand and put it in the bag/bowl all while under water.
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