Starting a Dwarf Seahorse tank

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Aquarium Advice Regular
Mar 6, 2013
Cowpens, SC
I am interested in the idea of starting a dwarf seahorse tank (well my girlfriend is more than me). I have a 10g tank that has been set up for a month or so with about 7lbs of dry rock and a little of an inch live sand. My goal is to take this slowly. Right now the tank has some nassarius snails in it and a couple of dwarf ceriths. I am just going to lay out my plans and see if I am heading in the right direction.

And to explain furthur, I don't plan on getting seahorses for probably another 6 months or so.

The tank currently has a HOB filter which I will cover with some panty hose to protect the ponies. It has a koralia nano 225 powerhead, not sure if its too strong. I planted some caluerpa and codium (and a small piece of red gracilaria) yesterday. Its running the stock hood with 50/50 cfls. I have some chaeto coming in tomorrow. I just added a bag (32ish oz) of live rotifers and a bag (32ish oz) of phyto (50/50 mix of Nannochloropsis and Tetramulus). I plan to let the macros grow to create kind of a natural scene without letting them get too out of hand. I was thinking of adding brine shrimp and letting them grow out for awhile too but I'm not sure if it's a good idea or not. I know I will still have to regularly feed my seahorses newly hatched brine and enriched brine but is there a way to get a stable enough population of brine and pods for them to reproduce faster than the seahorses will eat them? I plan to start with 2-4 seahorses and try my hand at breeding. I will probably have a separate brine shrimp/pod grow out tank (i have an extra 10g or I may just buy a 5g). I don't plan on keeping anything with the ponies besides snails (cerith and nassarius). Thats all I can think of right now.

This is what the tank looks like now (ignore the clam, won't be a final part of the tank and may take the turbo out too):
Sorry its sideways! Still green from the phyto.

Thanks for reading, let me know if I am heading down the right path and if anything needs to be changed. And feel free to share honest thoughts.

I currently maintain a 55g sw reef and a 65g cichlid tank. I have an empty 125g, an empty 55g, and an empty 10g.

Thanks, George
I'm not sure, as I have never done seahorses, but I have a new connection that sells corals and he also breeds dwarf seahorses. I will see if I can get him to join here and maybe give some pointers.

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I have a 14 g biocube, be nice if I can set it up for seahorse.....

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Ok I've been debating doing this for almost 2 years now, seems like your on the right path, couple things jumped out at me though
1. Be very careful with adding macros, carefully inspect them for pests (hydroids mainly) that can harm the ponies.
2. Get the nassarius out of the tank, they're voracious little hunters and will take out your ponies at night.
3. Your going to want a couple brine cultures, and feed newly hatched and 2 day old enriched brine a few times a day. Very doubtful that you'll ever be able to keep a large enough pod population in a 10 so I'd focus on the brine cultures instead.
Thank you all for responding. Yeah I was planning on doing brine cultures pretty regularly. I just wasn't sure if I could start growing brine shrimp out in the tank now in preparation so there will be a high population to start out with. You really think the nassarius will harm the ponies? I know they are carnivorous but I would have never thought they would take out a seahorse.

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