Starting My 45G Fowlr

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Aquarium Advice Newbie
Sep 26, 2012
So I am pretty new to the hobby and just looking for some advice/best practice.

I have a 45G tank with:
80lbs of live sand
10lbs base rock
40lbs good cured live rock
Aquaclear 70 Powerfilter W/2 sponges and 1 carbon pack in the basket
Fluval 200w Heater
(2) maxijet 600's (circulator config)
Full top with 24" 50/50 lighting

My tank Cycled very quickly I had the Rock and sand in for about 3 days then added 2 clownfish. The Ammo and Nitite levels were at zero after the first 8 days. The nitrate level have fluxuated between 5ppm and 15ppm.

I had my LFS test my water and they said that it looked good. I was worried because most of what I have read said that the cycle would take 6-8 weeks. I have received mixed advice about buying a skimmer some say its not needed with my size tank,but would be useful, others say its a waste. I am going to wait a few weeks and if my levels are stable go with out if they move ill get either a bak pak or an Aqua C ramora.

I waited 2 weeks with the clowns in the tank with 5 blue leg hermits 4 white snails and 4 turbos and the levels were good. I added a 2" blue tang and a 3 1/2" pink spotted goby/with pistol shrimp buddy. All levels are good I have done 2 10g water changes and have gone easy on the food. I am using mysis shrimp, pellets, and seaweed strips all soaked in garlic solution. Everyone is eating well and not leaving to much mess.

Compared to what I have read about starting a FOWLR this seems very rushed I know but I havnt had any harsh spikes in levels, aggression, or much negative progress so far. My next move is to wait 2 more weeks and add a flame angel. I am thinking that may be all the fish I will add to the tank just to keep the bioload reasonable and everyone happy. Mayabe a cleaner shrimp too!

Any advice or comments you have would be appreciated as I am getting most of my info from reading and my LFS. I will post some pics of the aquascaping and the tank residents soon!

Test yur own water its very easy most lfs always say yep good to go want a fish lol so don't trust them yea seems kinda quick for a cycle but not in herd of I'd just test am and nit daily for a week or so if it fluctuates the cycle is not completely done ...
The huge problem I see is your blue tang. They get 1'+ and grow quickly. MINIMUM 6' tank for them. I would trade him in for what you want.
Follow up

Thanks for the advice! I am testing the levels daily myself and they are all holding well. I read and I see the blue tang will get really big and will outgrow my little tank pretty quick. I will hang on to him for id say 6 months and then back to the LFS he goes, ill be sad to see him go. I did add a flame angel and everyone seems to be getting along well. I also bought a new light fixture I got an Omni T5 4 bulb. It puts out 156W and has built in timers I have 2 blue bulbs and 2 reg 10k bulbs and some LEDS for moonlight.

I bought a small frag of Metallic green star polyp just to see if it will work and if my fish will nip at it. I wasnt planning on going with any coral but the rocks look empty with out some thing! Tank os looking good I am keeping on a 15% weekly water change schedule and hope that everything progresses well!

Nice! And thank you for not arguing that the tang will be fine..... I hate that haha. Hell be fine for 6 months and you'll get the enjoyment! After that hell be in a better home! Where are you located? I would take him if you wanted me to, 150 gallon tank.
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