Starting my new mini reef

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mandarin man

Aquarium Advice Regular
May 25, 2004
I am going to do my own little project now that I have been sucsessful with my 55 gal I am going to make a 10 gallon mini. Now i have just a few questions i need opinions on. First how much lighting to yall prefer for a 10 gallon mini reef i plan to put some coral in it after awhile of cycling so i want efficient lighting. I was thinkin like a double bulb hood with one white flourescent and one blue actinic do yall think that will work? And also i am going to put liv sand in the bottom what is the right amount of sand per gallons I have forgetten since i did my first tank.THanks a bunch for any responses
well i know that when i bought my 12 g nano cube the fish store owner said to buy 12 pounds of live sand.
How did you set up your tank forexample live rock corals inverts livestock.......Im trying to get a feel for what other people have done so i can get my own ideas
For a 10 gallon, I would go with some sand if you want, a DSB won't really be effective in a 10 but if you want the look go for it. Think around 10-15lbs of LR. For lighting, I would go with PC lighting, you wouldn't be able to keep much more than mushrooms under the NO lighting. Look on or for some ideas. I would consider a 96 watt powerquad or like 2x55 watt setup. A couple of medium size powerheads, a heater and small skimmer and you should be set. If you haven't seen it there is a site that is guys that just have nano reefs..I think it is or something like that...just watch what you ask, they can be testy over there :D HTH
Sorry to butt-in on your post mandarin man, but do you guys know if I can have soft corals in my 10 gallon?
I have:
-Smartlite Retrofit 32 watt(1 10,000k & 1 Ultra-Actinic)
-1 Biowheel filter
-1 Powerhead
-Live sand
-15lbs of LR

In my 10gal nano I put 15lbs sand and almost 30lbs lr. I have the 96watt power quads. All my lr that was near the surface got bleached. Its now come back with a bright green and light purple coraline. I have a whipser 20 that I had a filter in for the first 2 months as it cycled but now i run it with no media and it provides all the circulation i need. HTH
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