Still seeking help for my little platy girl!!!

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Aquarium Advice Activist
Apr 7, 2011
Michigan, USA
I don't mean to be a pest but I am worried about my female platy! I posted a thread earlier about her eye having a cloudy looking bubble covering it and either a white bump or a couple scales being lifted on her side. I don't know if it is an injury type thing or if this is a sickness, I searched popeye and that is not what this looks like. Can someone please guide me in the right direction to help my little girl?
Could be a fungus or bacterial infection. Could you please get a decent picture and post it so we can actually see it?
Just to make sure, this is popeye:

This is dropsy:

If it is either of these, it is suggested to do a 50% PWC for now and vacuum the substrate as well. Whatever it is, poor water quality is a likely culprit or contributor to this. It could be dropsy, popeye, fungus, injury, or some other kind of infection. We need to know exactly how she is behaving and eating, plus an as exact a description of it as possible if you can't post a photo. We need to have this information as soon as you can provide it to help you. We can't treat it properly otherwise.
She is behaving perfectly fine also eating normal, it just looks like a blister covering her eye but rather than being clear it is cloudy. I did a test on my water and it all reads normal 0 ammonia, 0 nitrites, 10 nitrates. She is a somewhat new addition to my tank but she isn't acting any different from when I first brought her home nor any different from the others, she did hide for a bit when I put her in the QT but is now back to normal. From looking at the pics it is most likely not dropsy she just has one scale that looks like it got caught on something. If it is popeye is there anything I can do for her and is it safe for her to be with the others ever again?
It sounds to me like she might have been injured then. There are a lot of ways this could have happened, but as long as she doesn't get any worse you should be fine. If I were you I'd add a little salt to the tank to keep it from getting infected. Just make sure that you don't have any corydoras in the tank before you do. IF you have corydoras, you may try some Maracyn, but I'd wait before doing that yet.

Keep a close eye on her to make sure that this gets no worse. The second that there is any negative change in her condition, let us know immediately. Otherwise just please keep us informed so we can know how she does. I want to make sure that she is OK.
I sure will shadow and thank you for responding! I can't get a real clear pic or I would post it but every time I try she turns her bad eye away from me, maybe she is self conscious about it. ;) I just hate this she is such a pretty girl other than this eye thing.
sounds like cloudy eye, which can turn into popeye if not treated. You want to keep your water clean, Take out your carbon and add some melafix as per instructions, and do lots of PWC over corse of treatment. thats how I treated mine. Once I was done treatement, the eye still didnt look back to normal, but it was fixed and just took time to completely heal, and it did. GL
Sorry it has taken me so long to get back about my little girl but I am back with good news!!! Her eye has been slowly getting better, I have been treating her with the melafix as directed on the bottle and am on day 4 (plan on going the whole 7) and her eye looks almost normal, the bubble looking thing is gone her eye is still a little cloudy but not nearly as bad as it was. My next question is how long should I wait before I put her back in my community tank?
I'd wait a couple of days until after she looks completely cured before I would return her there. That way we can make sure that there are no other problems and she can have some time to recuperate a little.
Well I was starting to think maybe my lil girls issue was more injury than illness but I stopped by where I purchased her from a couple weeks ago only to find they had a white mickey mouse floating in the tank with a bubbled eye and another live one with the same thing! I believe now it must be illness. I am keeping a close eye on her since all I have used is the melafix just in case she takes a turn for the worse, her eye is looking great though! It makes me feel bad for the fish still at the store and want to bring them home and help them but I know I can't help them all and at the same time it kind of relieves me that it isn't something I did wrong with her.
It could be an infection after all. If it is I would suggest feeding her an antibiotic food since it would be internal.

But before we do anything. I would like to check something, what is the pH of your water and your current parameters?
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