stinky tank...

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Aquarium Advice Freak
May 22, 2004
Michigan, USA
So I've been noticing that the longer my tanks are up... the more they stink 8O Right now I can smell them from anywhere in the house, it's really disgusting and right up by the tanks it's naseating (sry bout the spelling) I'm good at water changes and everything, but I don't know why they're like this. Is everyone else like this as well? Or are my tanks just special? Even the thank w/o fish stinks!! I don't understand it. Do any of you have anything you do to stop the smell??? Thanks for any suggestions.
You need to change the water more often, or do a larger change when you do it. You can use carbon to remove some of the smell too, but try fixing it with water changes first :) Also, what are your water parameters? Particularly the Nitrate...
Fishtanks usually have a slight earthy odor - like freshly turned topsoil. You shouldn't smell it across the room and it shouldn't be particularly unpleasant. I'm not exactly sure what your problem is, but here are some things I thought of as I read your post. In addition to the water changes, you could try putting activated charcoal in the filter. You'll have to change it quite often, tho.

What kind of filters are you running? Maybe they're not producing enough turnover. Is there anything blocking the intakes? Is there heavy buildup of crud on the filter media? If so, you can rinse the filter with dechlorinated water.

Do you have heavy algae growth? Blue green algae, actually a cyanobacterium, smells awful and it is easily spread from tank to tank. It usually appears as thick slimy sheets. It's hard to eradicate, but complete darkness and some antibiotics will kill it.

Does your tapwater have an odor? Wellwater sometimes has an odor, but not as bad as you describe. Hopefully others will have some ideas too.
Someone should not be able to tell you have a fish tank when they walk in the house, but if you open the hood there is a distinctive odor, though I would not call it a bad smell at all. Cut back on feeding, would be my first recommendation, as decomposing food will create an odor as well as water quality issues.
Well, I have not checked the parameters today on any of the tanks. The 10 gallon tank has a penguin 170 on it, no algae (no live plants) and last I checked the ammonia was 0 ppm, nitrite was about 1 ppm (as I explained in another thread, this was prolly due to my pleco who died and was removed yesterday) and I didn't check the nitrate. I've been doing water changes at least every other day and they've been close to 2.5 gallons each, and it still smells. There's nothing wrong w/ the filter, it is brand new.

The 12 gallon has a penguin 125 and also has no algae etc. THe states were 0 ppm of both ammonia and nitrite and I didn't check the nitrate, but shouldn't be very high since I also do large water changed on that more than twice a week.

The 50 has 2 emporer 400's on it and no fish! and it still smells!!!

I do use well water, but it does not stink out of the tap. Last I checked the nitrate on the 10 gallon was about 20 ppm on the 12 gallon was the same and on the 50 is was really high.

The 15 gallon I have up doesn't stink yet... but I'm sure it will eventually. I only set it up last week and everythings brand new.

None of my tanks have any visible algae and none have live plants either.
bunebop said:
Well, I have not checked the parameters today on any of the tanks. The 10 gallon tank has a penguin 170 on it, no algae (no live plants) and last I checked the ammonia was 0 ppm, nitrite was about 1 ppm (as I explained in another thread, this was prolly due to my pleco who died and was removed yesterday, but that was not causing the smell, it was there before that) and I didn't check the nitrate. I've been doing water changes at least every other day and they've been close to 2.5 gallons each, and it still smells. There's nothing wrong w/ the filter, it is brand new.

The 12 gallon has a penguin 125 and also has no algae etc. THe states were 0 ppm of both ammonia and nitrite and I didn't check the nitrate, but shouldn't be very high since I also do large water changed on that more than twice a week.

The 50 has 2 emporer 400's on it and no fish! and it still smells!!!

I do use well water, but it does not stink out of the tap. Last I checked the nitrate on the 10 gallon was about 20 ppm on the 12 gallon was the same and on the 50 is was really high.

The 15 gallon I have up doesn't stink yet... but I'm sure it will eventually. I only set it up last week and everythings brand new.

None of my tanks have any visible algae and none have live plants either.

Sorry about that, I mean to edit and accidently quoted and I don't think I can delete one...
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