Stocking a 14g nano

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Aquarium Advice Activist
Oct 24, 2003
Arizona, Tempe
Just picked up an oceanic 14g nano and put in ~12 lbs of liverock and ~5 lbs of live rock rubble. After it is cycled I'm going to pick up what the LFS calls a nano clownfish, which is basically a very tiny Ocellaris Clownfish (I realize they will get bigger). I also plan on keeping some easy corals.

I plan on getting perhaps 2 other fish, which I think will be fine as long as I keep up with weekly waterchanges, and if anything I can transfer over fish that get too big to my main tank. The second fish will be a Yellow Watchman Goby.

So basically I had two questions:
1) What would be a good 3rd fish? I'd like a Royal Gramma Basslet or a Six Line Wrasse, but my tank is likely too small for them.
2) Pistol shrimp or cleaner shrimp? I've heard the goby and pistol will interact, but if I get a cleaner shrimp it should interact with everyone, shouldn't it?
Id say with that watchman you will be pretty much maxed out. Both will get to 3".
Have a look at the clown gobies..they don't get as large and are fun fish to watch. I think for a tank that size you will do well with the cleaner shrimp. They will try to clean but it is more up to the fish then the shrimp. Mine cleans my Coral Beauty all the time but the other fish wont let him.
Wow, great idea. The clown goby is smaller. Is there anything else I can safely put in there with the clown goby?
Those are sweet fish. I have a clown goby as well. Make sure it has plenty of places to hide, preferably a branching coral.
It looks like an ocellaris clown to me.
My votes are for a yellow clown goby (Citrinis) and purple firefish. Both wonderful fish.
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