Stocking help

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Aquarium Advice Addict
Jul 6, 2012
Currently I have

2 German blue rams
5 rosy barbs
1 BN pleco

It's a 26 gallon bowfront tank. Do I have enough room for 1 center piece fish (a gourami of some sort) and another small schooling fish (like neons, CPD, or some other tetra, danio, etc)
Hi Sillyfishes. Hope you are well.
I vote a pair of Pearl Gouramis (Trichogaster leeri). They are so graceful and elegant. Look them up and see what you think. IMO they would contrast well the colors of the GBR and the Roseys.
Caudially, OS.
Hi Sillyfishes. Hope you are well.
I vote a pair of Pearl Gouramis (Trichogaster leeri). They are so graceful and elegant. Look them up and see what you think. IMO they would contrast well the colors of the GBR and the Roseys.
Caudially, OS.

With 2 pearl gouramis could I still have a school of small tetras/ danios?
Some say they will bother small tetras if they start to spawn, but mine spawned and all they did was flare out at the tetras and then the tetras got the hint and left them alone. But in all the years I've had Pearls I never had but one pair spawn in a community tank. Danios may make them nervous though as they move so fast. With the fish you first listed they should do well.
Some say they will bother small tetras if they start to spawn, but mine spawned and all they did was flare out at the tetras and then the tetras got the hint and left them alone. But in all the years I've had Pearls I never had but one pair spawn in a community tank. Danios may make them nervous though as they move so fast. With the fish you first listed they should do well.

Ok thank you:). Could any other gourami replace it? As long as I get 1 male 1 female?
Careful, the 3 Spot Gourami family is much more aggressive. Gold, Opaline, etc... Females are not common and they may still kill each other.

Dwarf Gourami is your other best choice.

What if I get just 1 opaline gourami? Do they get bigger than pearls?
I wouldn't get a opaline they can be pretty aggressive and get bigger than pearls.
How about just keeping the same stock but getting more rosey barbs
It will add movement but not make it look as crowded as it would with a new species in there
No you'd be fine, I'd just pick up the extra filter that I saw you talking about In your other thread and keep up with water changes :)
No you'd be fine, I'd just pick up the extra filter that I saw you talking about In your other thread and keep up with water changes :)

I have a thread regarding which aqua clear I should get now :p. it'll most likely be a birthday gift ( just 3 more months!)
As you already know, I got the ac 50 today and i love it! It's quiet, and has great flow :)
AquaClear HOB Filters Good Choice

I like the aquaclears because you can layer different layers of filter media choices in them much like you can in a canister. They even have a lift up basket that lets you take out and clean/replace media without having to take the whole filter off the tank. You can buy filter floss in bulk and cut it to size which is VERY cheaper than buying premade inserts and will filter better anyway. Caudially, OS.
I like the aquaclears because you can layer different layers of filter media choices in them much like you can in a canister. They even have a lift up basket that lets you take out and clean/replace media without having to take the whole filter off the tank. You can buy filter floss in bulk and cut it to size which is VERY cheaper than buying premade inserts and will filter better anyway. Caudially, OS.

Actually I've decided on the marine land:)
What about this for final stocking-

2 German blue rams
5 rosy barbs
6 cardinal tetras
1 BN pleco
2 pearl gouramis

I would skip the gouramis, they get so aggressive
when it's mating season it's not even funny.

Plus your kind of over stocking here

German blue rams a) require an "old" tank b) very sensitive nitrate.

They need 20 g just for a pair

People can get away with over stocking a bit in a heavy planted tank, cause the plants will eat the nitrate.
I would skip the gouramis, they get so aggressive
when it's mating season it's not even funny.

Plus your kind of over stocking here

German blue rams a) require an "old" tank b) very sensitive nitrate.

They need 20 g just for a pair

People can get away with over stocking a bit in a heavy planted tank, cause the plants will eat the nitrate.

This tank has been cycled for a year... My nitrates stay below 20 and this is going to be a planted tank (only have a few plants in there currently.). If I'm just a little over stocked then ill be fine. If I'm WAY overstocked then ill cut it down...
If I were I would skip the pearls but its your call.

In terms if your german blue rams its kinda over stocked but all your other fish should be fine.

They are probably one of the "hardest" fish to keep, they like a ph of 6-7 no higher. And pretty soft water.

Some people are successful at having them at a ph of 8 but I don't hear about it too often.

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