Stocking ideas for 29

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Aquarium Advice Addict
Feb 4, 2004
Roscoe, IL
I'm planning on neons, northo rachovii killifish, rcs, mts, bamboo shrimp, and possibly german blue rams, khuli loaches or hillstream loaches. It will be heavily planted with mid-high lighting.

I'm worried the killifish might pick on the neons, and the rams and hillstream loaches are on the bottom of the list.

Oh and possibly some neolamp. brevis
Your stocking sounds alright, I just have concern for the rcs.

If though it will be heavily planted, those fish you have will still find a way to eat those shrimp for a snack. If you want rcs, I suggest giving them their own tank, if that isn't an option, I wouldn't suggest even getting them. You'll never see them because they will be hiding in the plants from the fish, or they will be in the fish.

Also, make sure you have a pretty good current in the tank. The bamboo shrimp needs current in the water because it filter feeds, if your tank doesn't have enough current, he won't be able to feed aswell and die, or he will climb threw the filter output area, climb out of the tank, then die on your floor. Also hillstream loaches need a strong current aswell, so think of being able to buy a powerhead to had into your tank if you plan on getting those 2 types of shrimp and fish.
I've kept bamboo shrimp before, and they can pick up flakes off the ground with their fan/claws. For the RCS, I don't think any of the fish get big enough to pick off an adult rcs? Maybe the babies? I was thinking about making a 10g for the cherries, but the cherry in the planted tank idea sounds very tempting right now.
Well, normally when they have to start picking off the ground for food, there isn't enough current for them. They didn't just give them those fans just so they can't use them, they need to filter feed.

Also, small fish will pick at the adult rcs, to the point were the shrimp die and they continue to eat them.

I strongly suggest you keep rcs in that 10G alone. I felt the same way, I wanted to add some rcs in a small planted tank with 1/2" hasboras's and my shrimp were adults, lost all 3 in one day because they got ganged up on. I just suggest leaving out the rcs and give them their own tank. If you give them their own tank, they won't hide all the time and show their true color, they will breed aswell and you should be able to sell some of the babies if you want to.
Okay, mebbe I'll try a rcs/moss tank :D. On my 29, I have an emperor 280, but eventually I'll change to a canister filter, which should help concentrate the flow, and keep the co2 (still need to buy a tank) from dissipating.
Sounds like a good plan to me. The shrimp will be so much happier in a tank to themselves, plus you can get more of them in a tank where they are alone. Just because there is no fish.
The RCS might be safe until they molt. The GBR's will be large enough to eat the adults. I too suggest keeping the shrimp in their own tank unless you won't want many of them. You could make it work if you had tons of moss and lots of shrimp to start with.
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Okay, lets look for numbers.. depends on hatch rate, but I'm thinking 3-5 killifish, 8+ neons, 5ish khuli's, and a few rams.

Any problems with rams/neons?
Cycles almost done, 3ish ppm ammonia, 0 nitrites, around 80 ppm nitrates before I did a 30% WC. I'm going to add some more ammonia and then test again tomorrow. (My tests are a bit old too)

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