Strange Bubble

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Aquarium Advice Addict
Nov 23, 2006
Northwest Indiana
Hopefully this does not belong in the sick fish forum.

My BN pleco has a strange looking "bubble" on each side of his head. Is this normal? Is it something I should be concerned with?

The "bubbles" are the same on each side? It certainly doesn't look normal to me, is he acting normal and eating normally?
Doesn't look normal to me either. I don't see any redness, so it's probably not an infection. My guess is that it's a fluid filled cyst. From what I understand, there's not much that can be done about these growths, and that they are harmless unless they grow so large that they interfere with swimming and eating. I'd just keep an eye on it.
Sorry for the slow reply.

Yes, these bubbles are the same on both sides and are of equal size. They are located in exactly the same place on each side as well.

The fish seems to be acting normal, or as normal as a pleco can act. I have never really seen it eat, but it seems to be keeping the same size and does not appear to be starving.

These things seemed to appear one day and do not seem to be getting bigger or smaller for that matter.

I think that all I can do at this point is to keep watching to see what happens. I'll post if anything changes or if I find any more information on this matter.

Thank you for your interest.

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