Substrate and undergravel heaters

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Aquarium Advice Apprentice
Jan 13, 2004
Ottawa, Ontario, Canada
I'm planning and budgeting a 100L planted tank

My LFS does not carry undergravel heaters. He says "they are not being
produced any more." Any reasons?

Substrate: Thinking of mixing 1mm quartz sand with SeaChem Fluorite to
reduce cost of substrate (50:50 or 2:1 ratio). Problems, thoughts? Will
proper feeding compensate. How about creating a plenum using egg crate
instead of using the sand to increase the depth of the substrate?

I'm not sure about undergravel heaters but 100% postive there are submersible heaters.

Read this thread.

My response at the end of the thread:

"Yes, I also have experience with them. Substrate heating coils, essentially a long wire run back and forth along the whole tank bottom, under all substrate. I had my 90 gallon set up with sub heat for 8-9 months. Then, I decided to do a major re-arrange. Bloody disaster! my swords and Crypts had grown roots all throught the coils, and it all came up whn I pulled the plants. Long story short, I didtched the substrate heating, and my tank is doing just as well as it did with the sub. heating. So, my exp. (others certainly may differ), it's worthless. quality substrate is the key, IMO, and regular tank heating is fine."

Now, I do know a place where you can still get them, if you want. Whoever told you they are not being made any longer was incorrect.

The substrate heaters are listed near the bottom of the page. If you really want to do this, I'd suggest trying it with the Filter plates, also listed on the same page. I did NOT use the plates, hence my problems with the roots and the cables all pulling up.

Whether or not you still want to get them is obviously up to you, but I cannot tell any difference in my plants since removing the substrate heating. Everything is still thriving.
You won't find many people who use or recommend substrate heaters. Also a tip on mixing Flourite with other substrates. You want a 50/50 mix based on depth, not weight.
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