Substrate is gravel?

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Aquarium Advice Newbie
Mar 26, 2014
So I have a 55gal established tank I would really like to add a few living plants but since my substrate is only gravel could I add a plant that will grow on drift would and not have to change my substrate?
Most definitely. The plant attached to the drift wood will receive its ferts through the water column. Depending on how many fish you have in the tank you may never have to add additional fertilizers. If you want to plant in the gravel you could always supplement it with some osmocote plus. You see a lot of people sell it already encapsulated on the forum. I bought a container of it on amazon and made my own, if you don't want to encapsulate it just ensure that the little balls make it to the bottom of your substrate.

Still some ludwigia repens and other aerial root plants may do fine without enriched substrate.
Your Substrate

So I have a 55gal established tank I would really like to add a few living plants but since my substrate is only gravel could I add a plant that will grow on drift would and not have to change my substrate?

Hello fire...

No need to go to the effort or expense to change the gravel. You can easily plant the tank by first doing a 50 percent water change, which should be done at least every two weeks for a larger tank. Before you replace the tank water, you can plant the bottom. Amazon swords, Cyptocoryne, Anacharis and Pennywort will all work. Just dig a small hole to fit the roots add a small root tab and cover it all up with the gravel. You can also attach Anubias to pieces of lava rock or to driftwood will long strands of dark sewing thread. Just drop everything on top of the gravel. You can float Anacharis and Hornwort, just drop individual stems into the tank.

Replace the old water with pure, treated tap water and give the plants a chance to get used to the new environment. New plants generally look poorly for a while, but most recover.

Ok thank you. Will the moss over take my tank? Or can it be controlled ?
Thank you all very much for the advice once I figure out how to put pics up I'll post some of my tank hopefully soon to have a few plants
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