Successful ADF Mating!

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Aquarium Advice Addict
Mar 24, 2011
So tonight my husband pointed out that our boy frog was "Trying his hardest" again. Then brought my son to the tank to watch the frogs "hug." :ROFLMAO: When I came over to look at the tank the first thing I did was look at the top of the water for eggs, and this time they were there! That little boy had tried several times, but the older female has never put out eggs before. I'm not sure what I'll do with the babies, if they make it. Does anyone know what I should do with them? I'm assuming ADFs will eat the little ones if they can, and I don't have anything extra to put them in. I don't even have something to put the adults in.... crap! OH NO! I need to get another heater and an air pump and put the parents or eggs in my drip acclimation container..... wait I can't do that because I am getting a long finned albino BN pleco tomorrow..... crap. I'll figure something out. Wish me luck. I was so excited I didn't think about what I might need. What would I do with the babies anyway....... oh no :eek:! I need to do some research, FAST!:ermm:
This happens really FAST. I've had eggs hatch within 24 hours. I use a 2.5 gal with a sponge filter. I keep it heated to 80, the same temp the main tank should be. The filter will need turned down to a very slow bubble at first, or it will toss the tiny guys everwhere. They eat infusoria the first few days once they are free swimming, and then they need baby brine shrimp.
thank you so much! it looks like a trip to the store to pick up the long finned BN is going to be a trip to the store to pick up a tiny tank and an air pump.... or i might just take it out of the 10g. but i will need a heater.... ormaybe i have one. crap! i have to go look.
do you think i should turn off my HOP filter for the night? i'm worried the eggs will get sucked up because I can't turn it down and i have no where to move them till tomorrow.
Oh are they still in the main tank? They will be gone in no time. If you want to try and get this batch to hatch, remove them into a small container of water. It doesn't matter what it is right now. You can float it in the main tank to keep it at temp.
Sorry i I seem a little funny. These are my first aquatic babies! Searching craigslist for a heater right now. I have a spare heater, but it's for a 30gal and i think my drip acclimation box is only 3 gal.
lol Don't worry, I find it pretty exciting as well. ;) A 25 watt Hydor Theo works perfect. That's the only adjustable heater I've used in tanks that small. I've tried a few with preset temps but they can never keep the tank warm enough.
Siva can you tell me what green water is? And do I need to pick up anything for them to eat in the first few days?
Some refer to infusoria as green water, though I believe they are technically two different things. The thing is, ADF's eggs hatch so fast that you aren't going to have time to culture infusoria for them. You'll need to rely on live plants, which naturally provide some infusoria. Java moss would be the best bet. The tads will feed on that infusoria for the first few days. At that point, you will have to have baby brine shrimp ready for them, or they won't survive. If you've never done that, here's a good link: Brine Shrimp Culture Made Easy | You want to start this process about 24 hours after they've first hatched in order to have it ready in tiime.

Not sure the net will work...they are reeeeeeally tiny.
Thank you! And siva I said the same thing to the store owner and he told me it would. So, my fingers are crossed and I have some java moss in the breeder, I might put some more in, and I hope the eggs are ok. I just have a bad feeling for some reason. And I need to pick up the shrimp. So excited! Oh I forgot to mention that my sons school will take the tadpoles and frogs to watch grown an keep them to feed them. So i hope all goes well.
They eggs should have hatched by now. Have they? If not, what color are they and are they fuzzy? It's possible they weren't fertilized.
The eggs were fertilized, but I'm sad to say they did not hatch. They went from half white and half grayish brown to all dark gray. No babies this time.
Ah bummer! Well, this gives you a chance to get more prepared. Research starting an infusoria culture and get that going. Get all your supplies for your brine shrimp hatchery ready. Then, when you're totally prepared, do a water change and feed frozen foods on the same day. I can usually get eggs that way. :)
ooohhh ok. sounds good to me. I'm worried that it won't happen again because the girl is about 2 years and I've heard they stop mating around then. The boy is about a year. I will get everything I need just in case. I plan on having frogs for a long time because I LOVE watching them. The hardest part was talking to my 3 year old about this. He is so disappointed and sad. I think it was a little hard on him because he didn't say anything after I told him. Then I asked him if he was ok and he just kind of sat there. And I asked him if he wanted to cuddle for a while and he just hugged me for a long time and we sat on the couch and turned on one of his favorite shows. Within the past few months we have lost my husband's grandmother and his dog, but this is the first time that something like a baby was lost. It was his first introduction to death before old age. I should have thought of it before hand, about how to tell him about it, but I was caught off guard. I hope if we go through this again everything works out well because I don't know if I can handle telling him again. He knows it's part of life, but I just want to cry thinking about it. I never thought "froggy huggin'" (as it's called in our house :brows:) would have such an effect on us all. I'm hoping for babies next time! thanks for all your help.
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