Successful goldfish(es) rescue and rehome.Couple of questions

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Aquarium Advice Regular
Jul 12, 2012
My girlfriend had a 5 inch goldfish,a 4 inch black moor and a 4 inch calico fantail when I started seeing her.They were in a 10 gallon that hadnt had a water change in 3 months.Only water added from the tap as needed when it evaporated. I started maintaining the tank to the best of my ability and when we moved in together,I put them in my 55 gallon community tropical tank (yea,I know the temps werent compatible,but given the circumstances and all....) they did well in there,but with the raised temps were insanely active and we referred to them as the tank wrecking balls.

Well yesterday I finally dug my old 75 out of storage and got it all set up,new heater,emperor 400 filter (I have three 400s total,two on my established 55).

I guess my question is this,can I have a few more tankmates? I know the potential size of these three fish,and I know that anything tiny can potentially be a snack. I have sand substrate so I was thinking about 3 dojo loaches. anyone have any other suggestions?
I know some people will keep loaches with goldies but its generally not suggested. There honestly is not much you can keep with goldies other than goldies. There is member on here that was keeping danios with fancies because they can tolerate cooler temps but I dont know if this was successful or not. My two largest moors have a 55g to themselves and they are starting to make this tank look small (will be getting an upgrade soon) so be aware these guys grow quite large. You could add another fancy possibly two if you stay viligent on water changes.

I must commend you on the great job you did getting these guys into a proper home!!!! The only thing I would consider is adding a second 400+gph filter to the 75g. General recommendation for a goldfish tank is 10x the filtration or 750+gph for a 75g. Good luck and please dont hesitate to ask questions! :)
I dont know a whole lot about goldfish but I do know most should be kept in nice size ponds or extremely big tanks. So id have to say its fully stocked maybe even overstocked
Goldfish should be kept alone, if you have to have another fish, you can try White Cloud Mountian Minnows which also prefer cooler water. I'd remove the heater also unless your house gets really cold in the winter. Tropical fish and goldies aren't a good mix. Goldies produce copious amounts of waste and need a 50% WC weekly along with good filtration to keep the water clean. Why don't you keep the 3 goldies in the 55 and make the 75 a community tank for tropical fish. Or vise versa, 75 for goldies, plus you could add a couple more, the 55 for tropical. Another thing, you need to watch keeping reg goldfish with fancies that are much slower, because reg goldfish can hog the majority of the food due to the slowiness of the fancies.
Thanks, Rivercats! I missed the common goldie. I would say the 75g is fully stocked with him in there. If he is rehomed to a happy pond at some point in the future, you could add a few fancies. Commons grow very large, well over 12in. Just make sure the moor & fantail are getting sufficient food- the common will outcompete his slow brethren at mealtime. Maybe some interesting large snails would be wiser addition. :)
I must commend you on the great job you did getting these guys into a proper home!!!! The only thing I would consider is adding a second 400+gph filter to the 75g. General recommendation for a goldfish tank is 10x the filtration or 750+gph for a 75g. Good luck and please dont hesitate to ask questions! :)

I have another emperor 400 that Im waiting on parts for.The 55 has two of them and the 75 will as well.

75% water changes on the 55 twice a week were already part of my maintenance schedule,so doing 50% once a week on each tank will be no sweat and looked forward to.LOL

I know that common pleco is a huge no no because they have been known to suck on goldfish,but how about a few bristlenose albino plecos to keep the algae down? Snails arent a good idea for me because the common I have torments them relentlessly.

Everyone gets plenty of food,the calico moves pretty darn fast and the moor gets fed directly above him and he will actually eat out of my hand.

Thanks for all the advice everyone,I love my tanks,just feels so weird having a tank thats so empty lol.

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