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Aquarium Advice Addict
Mar 27, 2011
Im sure I spelt it wrong, but I've been having trouble identifying this plant. I think it might have been stressed for light so it's been reaching but im not sure. Any help would be good. Much appreciatedand thank you.


  • ForumRunner_20130908_231108.jpg
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Anybody know? I was thinking a Jacob tree but I dint think so
I read the title and thought we were talking abiut food. Sorry the pic isnt loading on my phone.
Lol hmm well it propagates on its leaves. It also kind of looks like a jade, I will see if it will load on my computer and iPod, I uploaded on my android...
Did you find the name yet?

I was thinking maybe Kalanchoe? Most of the pics are with all of the flowers. kalanchoe pinnata?

If it doesn't get flowers how big and tall is it now?
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Mexican hat plant, mother of many and aligator weed are all common names for it. Unfortuanately they were being over watered and I only have one left in poor condition but I repotted it in half soil half gravel and it has shot up a new shoot already.
Mexican hat plant, mother of many and aligator weed are all common names for it. Unfortuanately they were being over watered and I only have one left in poor condition but I repotted it in half soil half gravel and it has shot up a new shoot already.

That is a really cool kind of plant!
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