suggestion on what to add to tank

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Aquarium Advice Apprentice
Apr 4, 2004
Vancouver BC
im still in the process of cycling
so no fish yet but it seem a bit plain here so could you guys give me some hint on what to add??
i will add some plants but havent decided fully yet... but have java fern and willow moss

should i get a background too??
Its hard to make suggestions since everyone has their own style. For example, most folks have backrounds; I never use them. Some folks go with themes, others (like me) use only natural items like plants, rock and driftwood.

You might want to have something tall on the right side; maybe one of the plants?
gobbledygook... pure gobbledygook :wink:

Safe plants for a low light tank are Java Ferns, Anacharis, Anubias species, Java Moss, Hornwort, Hygros (Hygrophila polysperma, specifically). These will all do fairly well with low light. They may not grow like crazy, but they'll look nice. My personal favs from that list are Anubias barteri, var. "nana," Anubias gigantea, and Hygrophila polysperma.

Good luck choosing!
This might be a stupid questiong, but what are you doing to cycle the tank?

I agree with some plants in the back, real or fake.
SilveRx, what type of tank do you want--peaceful community, active colorful fish darting about, semi-aggressives?
If you haven't done so already, take that decoration and fil it with gravel or sand and use aquarium sealant to plug the hole that is in the little "branch. (I also have that same decoration)

And by judging the decoration I guess you have around 90 gallons?
Wow the possibilities!!!

What kind of fish...
What do you want from them(the most that is)
peacful? Busy?
colorful? personable?
rare? available?
some large? many small?
easy to keep/ havetime for effort?
Java fern and moss are always good standby filler with little asked for.
My bannana plants die all the time. Water acidity or light? The anarchis and lily are fine.And the Javas. Hornwort also explodes in a mess of plant matter for me. I t made a TERRIBLE mess.
What kinda filtration you using? :p

What is your tap pH? Any extremes?

I took your "what to add" as a "what kinda fish" question.
Yeah, it's a matter of opinions on decorating but we might as well share our opinions, they might hear something they like... Personally I like the look of driftwood and of course coconut shells... Of course plants... corvuscorax has "Healthy Plants = Healthy Fish!-- Takashi Amano" in his signature... I agree with it completely. And the plants that madasafish mentioned are really the best choices for a low light tank, but I didn't see lighting mentioned... Some people use fake plants but I can't stand them... just my opinion... As far as background, I don't use one but that's because my tank is viewable on all four sides. For your tank I would suggest a background to hide the wires unless the tank decorations could do that well enough. As far as picking a background goes I would do something solid. Those scenery backgrounds can be cool but a solid background goes better with just about anything AND in my opinion if the inside of the tank or anything starts getting dirty, a scene looks dirtier than a solid background for some reason, to me at least... And you can use just about anything for a background... it doesn't have to be one of those things at the pet store that cost10-20 dollars... well, those are my thoughts so far...
thanks for the plant name tips i'll check my lfs to see what kind they got too
sorry this is only a small 35ish gallon only hehe i wish it was 90

im cycling by using big al's bio support.... and have a bio-wheel thingy and i added a ph7.0 neutral regulator the lfs guy told me to keep this running and add those item as indicated and it should be rdy to go (used tank... but sat in garage for like 5 yrs, i clean tank with just cold water and scrub with clean cloth.......)

im hoping to get some semi aggressive fish probably PUFFERS first cuz they so cool heh so i heard lots of plants but just checking for more suggestions first b4 i do anything

when u mean solid background do u mean like 'just' brown/black color?

thanks everyone~~ :p
Stop using chemicals to regulate the pH of the water. This can lead to many problems--especially when there are natural ways to lower and raise the pH :wink:
First, decide on the fish you want and research its needs. That will tell you just where you want the pH to be. If you want puffers, they should be the only fish in the tank. They are notorious fin nippers and are best off kept by themselves.
For backgrounds, you can paint your tank, but for a less permanent solution, there are tank backgrounds sold at LFS. I have "natural" looking backgrounds on two of my tanks and for two tanks, I chose to go with a solid color (standard at most LFS is a blue/black reversible background).
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