I can't really angle it and it came with the tank. It's an international filter.
Would you happen to have some extra seeding material you could send me?
Honestly, I don't know anyone that may have a fish tank
Okay, here's what has been bumbling around in my head as a stocking option. Feel free to give thought and advice.
10x Cory Cats
3x Zebra Loaches
2x YoYo loaches
7x Lemon Tetras
7x Cardinal Tetras
4x Angels
1x Rubber nose pleco
2x Bristlenose Pleco
7x hatchetfish
4x Dalmation Mollies
Then a cleanup grew with like snails and shrimp.
Okay, here's what has been bumbling around in my head as a stocking option. Feel free to give thought and advice.
10x Cory Cats
3x Zebra Loaches
2x YoYo loaches
7x Lemon Tetras
7x Cardinal Tetras
4x Angels
1x Rubber nose pleco
2x Bristlenose Pleco
7x hatchetfish
4x Dalmation Mollies
Then a cleanup grew with like snails and shrimp.
The loaches won't harm the snails? Could I add one more schooling fish?
It's a 50/50 chance that the loaches will eat the snails. My yo-yo loaches only eat my pond snails and leave the nerites and MTS alone. They will harass long antenna snails like mystery and ramshorns.
In a 100g tank if you don't do the loaches then yes you can add another small schooling fish or DG if you'd rather. Remember you already have 3 schooling fish (hatchets, cardinals, and lemons) and one thing I can tell you about large tanks is that if you get too many different types of schooling fish the tank begins to look busy.