Suggestions for fish suppliers?

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Aquarium Advice Apprentice
Mar 19, 2017
And ones that have amazing customer service that ship to you? I'm so over Petsmart. And going to petco isn't an option. And they suck too. I'm tired of fish dying on me.
The one thing you can do is Google tropical fish suppliers. Both Yelp and Google have company reviews. I personally don't like PetSmart but Petco here has mostly healthy stock on fish.To be fair they get fish shipped to them so they may get bad batches too.
Go to Aquabid and get ready to find out what shipping cost !
Every fish you could think of from breeders to suppliers...
There are a lot of fish breeders in Florida actually. Wetspot is a good one, although they are in Oregon. If you have a specific fish you want, Google breeders that only breed that fish. You know they will get you good fish as that is their passion.
I just want to choose my own fish. And I want to see how they are kept. But there are no correct answers or wrong ones just different.
The problem IMHO is that you need to slow down a bit and learn why your fish died.

You need to cycle your tank properly and then introduce fish gradually.

I saw on another thread, several people offered to help, but needed you to answer some basic questions about your set up.

Almost all my current fish came from a Petsmart. Mine are thriving. We can help you start off on the right foot. Then the fish supplier won't necessarily be such an issue if your tank is mature and cycled.

Some of my 21 Neons and my Rummynose

Roselines from Petsmart

C sterbai


Your local stores may suck. I'm not arguing that. I'm just saying for best chance of success, read up a bit on Fishless vs Fish In Cycling and make sure you have a water test kit.

Research fish before you buy and enjoy your tank.

If you already know all this, please disregard.
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