Supplementing my pl*co and ottos' food?

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Aquarium Advice Regular
Jun 16, 2003
Berkeley, CA
I've had my tank set up for about six to eight weeks and just added 3 ottos and 1 pl*co to the existing 20 fish (30 gal. tank). The pl*co ate the small amount of algae visible on the glass on the first night and the ottos are eating off the plants mostly, but I think they'll be done soon.

I bought algae wafers, but I've never been confident that they're sufficient. How many and how often should I feed for these four fish? I also have three Cory Cats, but I don't know if they'll be interested as well.
I have 2 cory catfish and 2 rubber plecos. My catfish love the algae wafers (I buy the smallest ones I can find). I put a couple in the tank at night. My plecos never really seemed interested in the algae wafers, they like cleaning the algae off the tank better. I don't know if this is the case with all plecos - but this has been my experience so far. I love my cory cats and plecos!! Both species are so fun to watch! Good luck!
My flagtail cats, SAEs, ghost shrimp, butterfly pleco and clown pleco all will eat the wafers. I throw 3 in a night and they don't last long.
Bearfan, when you feed them at night is the tank light off? Or is "night" just human time?

I have now fed the algae wafers twice. I'm not sure that either my Ottos or my Pl*co were at all interested. I have a feeling my three Cory Cats did most of the eating.

Am I being nuerotic? I've just seen these happy creatures starve in the past and I want to make sure they have something they're happy with now that they've totally cleared all my glass and plants.

Does anyone feed their algae eaters any other supplements, besides Algae Wafers? Is it probable that these fish are eating the wafers when I'm not looking?

Are you feeding them at night, with the tank lights off? I know my plecos are shy and will swim away or won't come near the food if I am near the glass and looking in. Once I started feeding them the wafers when the tank lights were off at night, I believe they started eating them more often.

My cory cats, and actually my blue guoromi as well love the angae wafers!! :D
that would be algae wafers....not angae wafers....I should probably use the spell check, huh! :oops:
Yes. I am feeding them at night after I turn off the lights. This is part of the reason I don't know for sure whether or not they're eating them or whether I'm being a worry wort.

Like I said, I've just had a couple of these guys starve in the past, so I feel very cautious.
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