Suprising crypt behavior?

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Aquarium Advice Freak
Sep 9, 2008
Laurel, MD
So, while dealing with some algae issues, I left the lights off of my tank all day yesterday. The room that the tank is in does get some daylight, but at this time of year it is all indirect.

Over the course of the day, all 4 or my crypts decided to push all of their leaves almost straight up to the top of the tank instead of laying down. It was rather suprising as I wasnt home all day to see it happen. Is this symptomatic of something problematic? Are they showing their appreciation for lower/no light? Ideas? Not to concerned, just curious.
So, while dealing with some algae issues, I left the lights off of my tank all day yesterday. The room that the tank is in does get some daylight, but at this time of year it is all indirect.

Over the course of the day, all 4 or my crypts decided to push all of their leaves almost straight up to the top of the tank instead of laying down. It was rather suprising as I wasnt home all day to see it happen. Is this symptomatic of something problematic? Are they showing their appreciation for lower/no light? Ideas? Not to concerned, just curious.

You will actually see this in many plants. Late at night after the lights turn off, if you leave the lights off all day, or during a blackout, many plants will fold their leaves up in the absence of light. This is true for both aquatic and terrestrial plants.
Huh... Dont know why I never though of that.. I know that flowers exhibit that exact behaviour all the time. Just was rather suprising for the crypts only to be reaching up with an almost "Gimmie back my sunshine!!!!" look ;P
its normal they are just reaching to get more light. mine did the same thing for a 3 day black out when i was out of town.
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