SW items for sale or trade

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Aquarium Advice Activist
Oct 5, 2008
Elizabetown KY
I have a large skimmer that was custom made by mid wast aquariums! i had it on my 220gal that i had too sell when i moved!! It is a h.o.t. or in sump and includes the rio 1700 pump that it came with, i payed $249 for it!
A pic of it can be seen here!!
Equipment :: tall skimmer picture by joe_rae - Photobucket

Also have a Oceanic trickle filter sump model 75, the lid is cracked but it still word well!! I will not attempt to ship this so don't ask!
A pic of it can be seen here!!
Tanks and stands :: oceanic sump picture by joe_rae - Photobucket

Make a offer, i am always looking for SW items!!
what all is included with the sump? overflow? pump? im trying to figure out what i might have that you would be interested in.. ballpark figure on cash price?
Nothing but the sump and lid is included. As far as price 50obo or possably trade for some frags or coral.
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