Switching Substrate (again)

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Aquarium Advice Apprentice
Aug 23, 2016
Hey, all. Long time lurker, first time poster.

So, I have a fresh water, planted tank. 38 gallon, with java ferns (nana and anubias), two types of ludwigia, crypt spirallis amazon sword, jungle vals, and wisteria. About a year ago, I switched from eco complete to sand for ease of cleaning, thinking I could supplement with homemade clay root tabs... and for a while that went okay. But I'm not seeing the growth I want.

I want to switch from sand to dirt capped with fluorite, but I have a few questions. I was leery of fluorite in the beginning because I was a new aquarist, and eco complete seemed easy... and while it was, it was ugly as sin, and I tried a glosso carpet. Lots of money wasted, there. Sand is too inert to do anything, and the fine grains give NOTHING for my ludwigia cuttings to hold onto.

So, dirt. I'm going with MGOPS capped with fluorite sand like I said. The filters are two aquaclears, a 50, and a 20 from my old betta tank, and I have about 9 red rummynose tetras and 5 black neons in there currently. I want to add a breeding pair of GBRs, and I know that a black substrate will make the colors pop like nobody's business. I'm prepared for daily WC to help control ammonia, and I've got no problem about washing the fluorite for a few hours before adding it. My question is to cap, or not to cap with gravel.

Is it really necessary to do so with my root feeders? Or would it provide a better area for those fine little plant roots to hold onto? For that matter, would capping with gravel really be necessary if I attempt to carpet again?

That, and how do I clean the fluorite during my weekly WCs? Right now I siphon my sand by holding the tubing a few centimeters above it and suctioning out all the icky stuff, so I have a pretty steady hand. I could easily reattach the vacuum tubing, but like I said, this is new territory for me... if I DO cap the fluorite with gravel, do I push the vacuum head into the gravel to siphon?

Honestly, I'm leaning away from the pea gravel, because GBRs tend to sift sand with their little mouths, and I love watching natural fish behavior, but depending on the advice given, I'm willing to make exceptions.... What do you think, fish tank people?

Anyone have any experience with these situations that might lend me some good advice? :fish2:
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