Sword Growth

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Aquarium Advice FINatic
Jan 1, 2012
Esko, MN
Just curious... I may have mentioned before that I have an Argentine Sword that is getting to be too big for its location. With others, I have pulled them out and sold them online, but I was just curious....

As the plant has grown over the last 8+ months, each new leaf is growing larger and taller than the last. If I was to really cut back the amount of stems coming out of it, would that encourage (even for a while) the leaves to grow shorter again? or would they continue to grow up to the same large size?
It is easiest on plants to not cut down more than 1/3 of the mass of the plant at a time. I would try it.

You could probably do up to a little more than a 1/3, maybe up to half with out shocking the plant. I know that the plant companies sometimes cut off all the top growth and ship, but it is hard on a plant, to cut off that much at one time.

Hope that helps some!
I've cut my large swords down by half many times and actually I've done it enough times my leaves have somewhat gotten smaller for whatever reason. BUT each type of sword is different so it may or may not help. I have amazon swords.
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