Swordtail advice/help

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Aquarium Advice Freak
Oct 10, 2012
I have a female swordtail who for about a month has been sitting on the bottom of the tank, she doesn't actually lay on the substrate but more hovers very close to the ground, she eats, and goes off for a swim then goes back to the same corner, every time. She looks fine, I thought it could be because of pregnancy but she's not gravid, then I had to treat my tank for ich and I thought it could be the heat but its all cleared now (she didn't have ich herself) and I'm left perplexed as to why she is doing this. Parameters are ammonia 0 nitrite 0 nitrate 5 (live plants) and ph 7.5, temp 28 (still lowering it from treating ich, usually at 26)
Sometimes the male will stay by her, but not very often and when he does they are both hovering in this same corner, I'm completely perplexed!!


Is the male/s constantly trying to breed with her maybe she's worn out or hiding
There's 2 females and one male, my 3rd female died months ago, and I've not replaced her cos I have a swordtail fry about 4 months that's female in the tank but she's only small still. The male doesn't harass her no, she is sitting alone most of the time, but that's just what I see I don't obviously see them at night etc.

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