syno catfish Bloating stomach

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Aquarium Advice Regular
May 12, 2003
Maryland USA
I am new to keeping syno catfish. I noticed that my catfish's stomach is very bloated. I hope all this means is that he is eating and nothing else is wrong. Is there anything I have to worry about? Is this normal?
First, is it swimming wierd, becuase if he is, then it may be a deasease call swim bladder. Also, It might just be that he is eating everthing that comes his way. :p
Yes, swim bladder infections may cause a bloated look (good call)... but I've noticed that a lot of fish, esp. cats, tend to eat until they're more than full. I've noticed this of my puffers, and more obviously over the Lima Shovelnose cats in the LFS. After feeding their bellies are rotund and extend an inch below the rest of their torso.

Also, swim bladder infections, though possible in catfish, are not nearly as prevalent as they are in goldfish (e.g. Red-Cap Orandas). The usual cause of bloat is dropsy or poor diet. I'd rule out poor diet, as synodontis are omnivores, and diet shouldn't as much an issue as it is with more picky fish like Lake Malawi M'bunas. I'd also probably rule out dropsy (interior bacterial or viral infections) as these effect not just the stomach region, but the appearance of the whole body. Is the rest of his body also swolen??

If it is, indeed a swimbladder infection, you'll want to take immediate measures. "Dosing the tank with an antibacterial remedy [e.g. Melafix] and/or aquarium salt may be effective in some cases" (Andrews et al: Fish Health. Toronto, Ontario: Firefly Books, 2003).

To rule out a swimbladder infection, you'll want to restrict his diet for at least a day or two, to see if his belly reduces in size. I find that many fish have very fast metabolisms, so bellies can disappear in a matter of hours or days.

So, you've got a thin line to tread between waiting for natural reduction and treatment. If I were you, I'd dose the tank with salts (Aquarium salt, not marine salt) or melafix and halt feeding for 2-3 days (this will not hurt your fish as they can withstand a week or more of starvation). If the bloating remains, continue to add melafix every day (read the instructions--I think it's a teaspoon per each 10 gallons per day) and keep a close eye on the rest of his body. If he appears bloated throughout, consider removing him to his own tank and maintaining impeccable water quality in it.

Either way, water changes are in order. Do daily or bidaily water changes until you see a change. Do them before melafix doses so as not to dilute it.

****This is probably all overkill. I'm almost positive this is just a greedy Synodontis, but keep the diseases in mind just in case***

P.S. If you're interested, the book I've quoted is a very good one. It's really good to have in hand if you think you have a fish health issue.

Its also possible its constipated. Just because the stomach doesn't reduce in a couple of days does not indicate infection.

Swim bladder problems generally do not have bloat as a indicating sign, although overeating CAN be a cause of swim bladder issues.

I would leave things alone for a couple of days, and just not feed the tank (they won't starve, promise :) ). If you don't see the swelling go down, try feeding the cat a shelled cooked pea or 2. It has laxative properties for fish. IMHO the aquarium salt will not make a difference one way or the other. It really has no effect on infections and will do nothing for constipation. Epsom salts however, are another option for constipation.

While Melafix is a very gentle medication, I wouldn't recommend any medical treatment without knowing for sure its needed. Also, if it is an infection in the swim bladder, Melafix is not powerful enough, and a stronger antibiotic would be needed, such as tetracycline or Kanacyn. If the swelling does not go down either by itself or with the constipation treatment, then I would go with meds.

But I agree. Its likely a pig and nothing else *grin* What do you feed it?
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