tank cycling

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Aquarium Advice Apprentice
Feb 6, 2004
new york
pretty confused here.......i have had a 30 gal tank up and running for 6 weeks now........ammonia has gone from 2.0 to 1.0 to .5 then back up to 1.0.........(after reading post after post, the general consensus seemed to be, to do water changes to get the ammo. down.......well, i have been doing that, to no avail...........everything, i read, says that if ur test kit detects ammo. that is no good.........i never have seen a nitrite spike ....and nitrates r still at zero................i have used stress zyme recently.....to jumpstart the bacteria.............the fish "seem" to be doing fine...........i have 8 various tetras and 6 corys (i know.....i overstocked to start, couldnt help myself)..................any advice?..........i need to know when this tank is going to cycle?...........i know with all the water changes, i have retarded the process...............any advice?????????
Impossible to tell when the tank will be cycled. The average is 2-6 weeks, but it can certainly take longer. StressZyme won't help cycle the tank tho, it doesn't contain the correct nitrifying bacteria. The water changes may have slowed down the cycle a bit, but the point of having a cycled tank is to keep ammonia and nitrite levels at zero so the fish aren't stressed or in danger of dying. Until that happens its up to you to keep those ammonia/nitrite levels down; most folks here keep it below .5ppm when cycling for both.

Its possible the water treatment you are using is giving you false positive readings, although I sorta doubt it as you have no nitrites or nitrates. What do you use?
I'd also like to know a little about your filter and media.
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